The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE – 08.22.11

Posted on | August 22, 2011 | 18 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rebels Cheer In Tripoli, But Qaddafi Lingers

Libyans celebrate the arrest of Saif Qaddafi and the capture of Tripoli

Loyalists still hold up to twenty percent of the city; Moammar Qaddafi’s whereabouts unknown

New Wrinkle In Strauss-Kahn Case?
Settlement negotiations going on? The New York DA wants to know

Netanyahu: No Large-Scale Gaza Operation Pending
Current round of rocket and mortar attacks seen as attempts to provoke Israel into doing damage to its diplomatic position

Huntsman V. Perry: Shootout At The GOP Corral

Former ambassador to the PRC speaks with NH voters

Attacks Tea Party favorites as he seeks the middle ground

On Martha’s Vineyard, Obama Monitors News From Libya

Excitement Builds For MLK Memorial Dedication

President Claims US Not Facing Another Recession

Coast Guard Upgrade Goes Slowly

Axelrod: “Pure Politics” May Undermine President’s Stimulus Plans

Is Christine O’Donnell Planning Another Run For Office?

Nikkei Hits Five-Month Low On US Worries
European Stocks Rebound From Two-Year Low
Gold Nudges Fresh Record In Asian Trading
Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion In Secret Loans From Fed
Recession Called “Unlikely”, But Investors Are Scared
Dollar Thrifty Urges Talks On Merger
Best Buy To Sell TouchPads At Fire Sale Prices
Skype Buys Startup GroupMe
Motorola’s Identity Crisis
Google Maps Taking Armchair Explorers To The Amazon
RIM To Launch BlackBerry Music

Violence At Candlestick Mars 49ers/Raiders Game

Candlestick Park during the 49ers-Raiders game

Two shot, one beaten as fights erupt throughout the stadium

Weaver Signs Extension With Angels, Verlander Going For 20

Braves Stop Snakes At Third, Win 1-0

Brudenell: Like It Or Not, Kyle Busch Is Sprint Cup Favorite

Antron Brown Wins Top Fuel

Legally Speaking: A&M To SEC In Fine-Print Stage

Tigers Hold On For Sweep Of Tribe

Nats Rally Late, Beat Phillies In 10th On Hit Batsman

Honorary Brit

Rihanna flaunts it at the V Festival

Rihanna’s leather jacket doesn’t stay on long

MDA Telethon Reinstates Jerry Lewis

Bret Michaels, Donald Trump In Talks To Develop New Reality Show

It’s A Girl For Kimberly Stewart

Matt Hardy Arrested For DWI

Demi Lovato Celebrates Her 19th Birthday With Bowling, Red Bull, And Beer

Alli Sims Has A Baby Girl

Bristol Palin Debuts New “T” Tattoo

Sugarland Calls For Moment Of Silence At First Concert Since Indiana Tragedy

Some Attention Whore Gets Married To An Unemployed Athlete

Oil Prices Drop As Rebels Sweep Into Tripoli
Five Rockets Hit Israel After Gaza Factions Agree To Truce
Syrian Leader Defiant Despite Resignation Calls
Fighting Corruption With Kishan On Janmashtmi
King Tries To Unite Shattered Norway At Remembrance
Biden Praises Mongolia’s Democratic Development
Tony Blair Not Buying “Moral Decline” Argument On Rioting

Power Line: If I Were A Banker…
Wizbang: Maxine Waters Keeping It Civil
Jihad Watch: PA Tells Israel To Stop “Rogue Behavior” As 20 Rockets Fired From Gaza
Allahpundit: Tom Friedman Thinks It’s Too Early To Tell If Media Overhyped Obama In 2008
Don Surber: Dowd Mentions The Unmentionable
NRO Corner: Koch To Buffett – Screw Your Call For Higher Taxes, The Government Is Incompetent
Tyler Cowen: The Sad Statistic That Trumps The Others
Marginal Revolution: Eurobond Points
Jammie Wearing Fool: Sharpton Explains His Role In Crown Heights Pogrom
Ed Morrissey: What If Obama Quit?
The Lonely Conservative: Pataki Considering Run For President
JustOneMinute: Meanwhile, Back In Iowa…

SOTD: I’m On Fire


18 Responses to “LIVE AT FIVE – 08.22.11

  1. Cartoon of the day « Don Surber
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 7:15 am

    […] Morning links: Blogs Lucianne Loves. Maggie’s Farm. Robert Stacy McCain. […]

  2. Anamika
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 11:16 am

    Womby, just following up on what you said in the context of the Anna Hazare anti-corruption movement in India,  actually, that thing about “Butcher Bush” was not the view of P. Jain, a Hindustan Times’ journalist, but by Mahesh Bhatt, a Bollywood film producer. That whole artcile “By Priyanka Jain” was a set of views of two Bollywood celebrities, “As told to Priyanka Jain.”

    Btw, nice to see you mention Janmastami (aka Lord Krishna’s Birthday) in the foriegners’ section… I was born on the same day!

  3. Anamika
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 11:40 am

    On linking India-related news sites…

    Times of India is the most read online news site, the quality is average. But nobody reads Hindustan Times, either in print or online.  By far the best English language Newspaper in India happens to be The Hindu ( ) .

    It is interesting to note that in a current  frontpage news article about Anna Hazare, Times of India quoted a Hindu newspaper column.

    NEW DELHI: Booker prize-winning author Arundhati Roy
    launched a scathing attack on Monday on the “aggressive nationalism”
    behind the anti-corruption drive led by hunger-striking campaigner Anna Hazare.

    In a column entitled “I’d rather not be Anna” published in The Hindu
    , the novelist, essayist and rights activist condemned both the
    style and substance of Hazare’s campaign that has mobilised public
    opinion in India.

    In particular she questioned Hazare’s use of
    the hunger strike and other tactics and symbols co-opted from his hero
    — India’s independence icon Mahatma Gandhi.

    “While his means may be Gandhian, Anna Hazare’s demands are certainly not,” Roy said.


    NDTV ( ), CNN-IBN ( ), Times Now ( ) and Headlines Today ( ) are the leading  English Language News Channels. The last one incidentally organized Sarah Palin’s recent speech and  TV interview in India.

  4. Anamika
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 11:46 am

    Wow, the TOIarticle  about Arundhati Roy’s views I quoted above was posted just about 4 hours ago and had already accumulated more than 4000 comments!

  5. Anonymous
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 12:08 pm

    I was going to link that and can’t remember why I didn’t. Lack of sleep, maybe. Anyhow, thanks for providing the link in your comment. Be interesting to see how the whole populist anti-corruption drive in India works out.

  6. 2012 GOP Presidential Field Could Get a Little More Crowded | The Lonely Conservative
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 8:09 am

    […] My top three candidates are still Herman Cain, Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann.Update: Linked by The Other McCain and Bits Blog – thanks!google_ad_client = "pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 […]

  7. Anamika
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

    Arundhati Roy is one of the most prominent Indians with extreme socialist/communist views.  I’m not a fan of Anna Hazare either.

    Hazare fast has entered the 7th day,  things can go downhill very quickly if his fast crosses the 10th day, and if the Govt. doesn’t concede and he refuses treatment. If he is hospitalized by force, the public anger will grow further. Other than the death of Hazare or the fall of the coalition government,  I don’t see any other outcome than the govt agreeing to most, if not all of his demands.

  8. ThePaganTemple
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 1:46 pm

    Wombat, as hot as the pic you chose of Rihanna was, you didn’t even, er, “snatch” the best one. That’s cool though, I’ll make up for that oversight.

  9. Anonymous
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 5:12 pm

    Be sure you send me the link for next week’s Rule 5. 😉

  10. ThePaganTemple
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 7:07 pm

    I’ll remember to do that. I’ll probably post the pic tonight or early tomorrow and I’ll send you the link when I do.

  11. gg
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 7:07 pm

    Hazare fast has entered the 7th day […] Other than the death of Hazare ….

      I’m sure Hazare can survive for at least three weeks. Given his age, certainly, he won’t be able to challenge the Guinness World Record for surviving a Hunger strike (just over 3 months) though.

    Yesterday, I saw a documentary based on a novella of the actual case of a Japanese middle aged man who committed suicide by starvation.

    He went to a remote wood, built a tent, and stopped eating until he died. He drank water, so it took him two months to kill himself. His skeletal remains were discovered a year later. In his tent were found a diary in which he wrote an account of his thoughts and symptoms until he was too weak even to write.

    The documentary was filmed at the spot he died, and inside the same tent in which he agonized for two months. An actor reads each entry in the diary while the camera pans around the beautiful clearing. The contrast between the peacefulness of the site and his stark painful narration gives the film a psychotic surreal shocking effect.

    What I find remarkable is that during these two months of thoughtfully witnessing his demise, he never realized he was killing a perfectly healthy body to get rid of his tormenting mind. Yet again, and again he writes about his hope that there would be an afterlife in which the mind which tormented him would exist free of his body.

    What’s wrong with that picture?

  12. Anamika
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 7:21 pm

    What’s wrong with that picture?

    Nothing. It’s what happened. His life, thoughts, and actions. The documentary being made, and you writing about it.

    By the way, it sounded strange to have “novella” (fiction) placed between “documentary” and “the actual case.” 🙂

    If his suffering bothered you, get out there and alleviate suffering. (Or maybe you already do.) Our neighbors–people everywhere–can wither from lack of a caring presence in their lives.

  13. Anamika
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 7:29 pm

    What, you have a collection of hot Rihanna pics on your PC ? Interesting.

    As a side note, I’m really curious to take a peek at the index of Pagan’s porn chest.

  14. ThePaganTemple
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 9:28 pm

    If you like porn you’d probably like YouPorn.

  15. gg
    August 23rd, 2011 @ 3:46 am

    By the way, it sounded strange to have “novella” (fiction) placed between “documentary” and “the actual case.” 🙂

    I find strange that this was the only thing that you found strange about this very strange tragedy.

    If his suffering bothered you, get out there and alleviate suffering.
    (Or maybe you already do.) Our neighbors–people everywhere–can wither
    from lack of a caring presence in their lives.

    His suffering didn’t bother me. What I found bizarre was his determination to kill a healthy body to get rid of a sick mind. What starts most people on the path is a certain level of dissatisfaction with the mind we inherited from our culture. Some of us have found a way to get rid of that inherited mind and to return to our original mind. It’s a longer path than starving the body, but a rewarding one. Not that I’m against suicide to speed up getting rid of a terminally ill body, or one that has become a torture chamber. It was the premeditated, slow, painful, stubbornly stupid murder of his healthy body that bothered me.

  16. Anamika
    August 23rd, 2011 @ 4:22 am

    If you like YouPorn you’d probably like SpankWire, RedTube, Tube8 and PornHub.

  17. Anamika
    August 23rd, 2011 @ 4:26 am

    What I found bizarre was his determination to kill a healthy body to get
    rid of a sick mind. What starts most people on the path is a certain
    level of dissatisfaction with the mind we inherited from our culture.

    Maybe. That wasn’t me. I just wanted to figure out what to tell the kids I’m planning to have, when they ask me questions about the universe. A couple of books and some lost-in-thought walks led to one of those about-face, quarter-turn, inside-out, oneness experiences. And I was off, into Christian mysticism and more.

  18. ThePaganTemple
    August 23rd, 2011 @ 1:03 pm

    Wow you know them all don’t you? I’m not that much into porn, except on rare occasions as a change of pace maybe. The last time I got on YouPorn, just a few days ago, I ended up with a pop up video of some kind. Check out the blog Tiny Nibbles Anytime I’m in the mood for porn that’s one of the first places I go to.
