The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Proud To Be A Liberal’

by Smitty This cartoon is a hoot, but I’m not dealing with its copyright restrictions. Check the cartoon for a list of things for which we’re supposed to, somehow, thank these fellows. Cartoon Snark Civil Rights Wikipedia does a fine job of airbrushing the Democrat Party resistance. Women’s Right to Vote Don’t forget to claim […]

Report: 14-Year-Old Runaway Girl Gets Banged at ‘Occupy’ Protest in Dallas

You call it “statutory rape.” The 99% call it “social justice“: Dallas Police continue to investigate whether a teenage runaway was sexually assaulted by an adult male at the Occupy Dallas encampment behind City Hall. A source within the Dallas Police Department who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation said the […]

Herman Cain Builds Lead Over Romney, Rick Perry 5th in New CBS/NYT Poll

The big news? This poll was taken Oct. 19-24, entirely after last week’s Vegas debate (Perry’s best performance to date) and covers the period during which the abortion controversy was supposedly (if you believe Karl Rove) destroying the viability of the Cain campaign: Herman Cain ………………. 25% Mitt Romney ………………. 21% Newt Gingrich …………….. 10% […]

Breakfast With Ehlinger

by Smitty Ladd is on his way back home, and we staged a coordinated attack on a brace of breakfast samplers at IHOP. There were no injuries in the attack, and we fought the pancakes to a draw. Then we retreated with only a few weeks damage to our lifespans from all the bacon. Ladd […]

#OWS and the Socialism of Fools

August Bebel called anti-Semitism the “Socialism of Fools,” and MRC’s Joe Schoffstall had no trouble finding it in the Zuccotti Park mob: “Israel is white Europe — eastern Europeans — who has [sic] usurped and occupied Arab land, and they have displaced the indigenous Arab Palestinian people at gunpoint. When Israel was founded in 1948 […]

Publius: You Can’t #OccupyJupiter

by Smitty This is way off: Occupying Jupiter would take work, or something st00p3d like that. Via MNR. Ironic: OWS Protesters Complain About Homeless Not Pulling Their Weight Update: Paco-lanche!

Cain Seeks to Satisfy Foreign Policy Snobs

Alex Pappas and Jamie Weinstein of the Daily Caller report: Almost every day, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is handed a one-page briefing from his chief foreign policy adviser on news from around the world. It’s one of several things his campaign says the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO, who has never held elective office before, […]

Rep. Allen West Ecstatic About Iraq Withdrawal–Oh, Wait: He Says It Sucks

by Smitty He is categorically against pretty much everything BHO has done, except for greenlighting the snuffing of Osama. Pure, red, foreign policy meat. Oh, and Rep. West isn’t a fan of #OccupyWallStreet, either. Can’t we all just get along, Rep. West? Oh no Rep. West is not a 9-9-9 supporter. He wants reform, but […]

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