The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE – 11.23.11

Posted on | November 23, 2011 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

GOP Candidates Call For Extension Of Patriot Act Debate

GOP candidates at last night's debate

Ron Paul lone opponent of extending the Act

Tahrir Square Protesters Remain Defiant
Military not believed by protesters, but do the rioters actually represent the average Egyptian?

Romney Letter Paints Obama As Obstacle To Economic Recovery
A gift for the obvious the man has, which is more than a lot of people do these days

Gingrich At Center Stage, National Security In The Spotlight

Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann before the debate

Gingrich exchanges fire with Ron Paul – civil liberties or anti-terrorist defense?
Related: Candidates blast Pentagon cuts

Obama Challenges GOP To Keep Tax-Cut Promises
Obama Heckled by #OWS Protesters (Video)

Feds Sue To Block Utah Immigration Law

Former Obama Fundraiser Gets More Than Ten Years In Bribery Case

Lawsuit Challenges New Massachusetts Casino Law

UC Davis Chancellor Sucks Up To Students: Didn’t Intend For Campus Police To Use Force

Will Black Friday Be Diluted?
Fed Plans For Biggest Banks To Undergo Stress Tests To Ensure Soundness
PRC Manufacturing Gauge Shows Contraction
Asia Stocks Down After US Revises Growth Data
US Launches Antitrust Probe Of Banks’ Aborted Debit Card Fees
Bank Profits Rise, But Revenue Soft
Oil Drops As Gasoline Stockpiles Rise, Growth Trails Estimate In US
Pandora Posts Surprise Profit As Sales Exceed Estimates
FCC Deals Serious Blow To AT&T/T-Mobile Merger
Six Degrees Of Separation? Facebook Says Try Five
Turns Out HP Sold Some TouchPads Before Killing It Off
Magid: Kindle Fire’s Small Size And Price Are Big Advantages

Broncos Release QB Kyle Orton

Broncos QB Kyle Orton riding the bench

From Cutler’s replacement to Tebow’s backup to the unemployment line
Related: Elway Still Not Sure Tebow Is The Future For The Broncos

Brewers’ Braun Voted NL MVP
Predictable whining from LA’s Plaschke ensues

This Year’s Thanksgiving NFL Slate Best In Decades

What’s New In Baseball’s New Labor Deal

Hunter Expects Court To Mediate NBA Lawsuit

Former Nats Prospect Martis Signs Minor-League Contract With Pirates

Is Painfully Thin Angelina Jolie Surviving On Just 600 Calories A Day?

Angelina Jolie

Rumors…sources…but no hard info.

Did Kate Gosselin Get A Facelift?

Disco Star Andrea True Dies, 68

Giulia Rancic “Hanging In There” After Breast Surgery

Groom & Doom After Wedding

Bad Timing Alert: Robert Wagner Plays Murder Suspect On NCIS

Paz Drops Plot Bombshell

Pippa Goes Ice Skating In London

Bronx Cheer For J-Lo’s Phony Fiat Commercial

Courtney Stodden Pours Curves Into Tiny White Top

Egypt Questions Three Detained American Students
UN, Turkey Increase Pressure On Bashar Assad
Avoid Gadhafi’s Fate, Erdogan Tells Assad
Cain Says In Debate He’d Back An Israeli Strike On Iran
Libya’s NTC Unveils New Government Lineup
US-ROK Free Trade Deal Ratified In Seoul Amid Protest
Hezbollah, Iran Uncover CIA Informants
UN Secretary General Presses Israel To Release PA Funds

Ed Morrissey: Climategate 2.0?
Legal Insurrection: How Obama Would Attack Romney
Gateway Pundit: UC Davis Students Agreed To Be Pepper Sprayed
Big Hollywood: NBC Goes Vile As Jimmy Fallon’s Band Welcomes Michele Bachmann With “Lyin’ Ass Bitch”
Jammie Wearing Fools: Occupiers Heckle Obama In New Hampsire
Verum Serum: Center For American Progress Reaches Out To #OWS, Says Republicans Are Against The 99%
WSJ: Thank You, Grover Norquist
Jawa Report: Big Sis Warns Of Thanksgiving Terrorist Threats
Big Government: Ex-Dem Congressman Says Voter Fraud Is Endemic And Voter ID Is The Cure
OWS Exposed: DC Occupier Arrested For Rape

SOTD – Wastin’ Time


3 Responses to “LIVE AT FIVE – 11.23.11”

  1. Cartoon of the day « Don Surber
    November 23rd, 2011 @ 7:03 am

    […] Robert Stacy McCain. […]

  2. Tanuki Man
    November 23rd, 2011 @ 10:48 am

    That’s Jimmy Fallon, not Jimmy Kimmel.

  3. Anonymous
    November 23rd, 2011 @ 5:18 pm

    Thank you for the correction, and sorry I got to it so late.
