The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | December 22, 2011 | 6 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rush Hour Bomb Blasts In Baghdad Kill 27, Wound 133

An Iraqi soldier guards a burned-out truck in Baghdad's Alawi district

Bombings occur against backdrop of renewed Sunni/Shia political friction

Democrats Seek Victory In Payroll Tax Cut Struggle
Democratic ops claim Speaker Boehner will cave

PRC Travel Agents Halt Pyongyang Tours
No cheap holidays in other peoples’ misery while mourning for Dear Leader continues

Mitt, Newt Trade Barbs In Iowa Ads

Newt Gingrich speaks at the University of Iowa in Iowa City

Gingrich challenges Romney to one-on-one debate
Team Newt Scrambles To Get On Virginia Ballot

Army Transfers Eight After Afghanistan Suicide

Romney Taking Aim At Obama Again

Wikileaker’s Defense Rests After Calling Two Witnesses

California Woman Charged With Funding Terrorism

Arpaio Investigation Drawing Mixed Reviews From Activists

Stock Index Futures Point Higher
ECB President Draghi Warns On Eurozone Breakup
BoA To Settle Discrimination Charges For $335 Million
Minorities inexplicably excluded from home mortgage hosing inflicted on middle class
Chicago Sun-Times To Be Sold For More Than $20 Million
After A Year Of Disasters, Toyota Sees Record Sales
EPA Sets Controversial Cuts In Power Plant Emissions
Oil Rises For Fourth Day As U.S. Supplies Drop Most In A Decade
Micorsoft And CES: Mutual Backstabbing?
7″ LCD Panels Outselling 9.7″ Models
Amazon Updates Kindle Fire Software, Fixes Some Nagging Issues
Verizon To Get Probed By Justice Department?
Mozilla Releases Tablet-Friendly Firefox 9 For Android

Ninety Days, Floyd! When You’re Hot, You’re Hot!

Floyd Mayweather, 42-0 in ring, takes first loss in court

Pleads guilty to domestic violence; sentence puts Pacquiao fight in doubt

42-Yard TD Pass Lifts #16 Horned Frogs To Victory In Poinsettia Bowl

Harrison Barnes, Tarheels Dominate Texas

McCoy’s Concussion Prompts NFL Changes

$20 Million Can Buy Quality Time With Mr. Met

AJ Allmendinger Gets Coveted Kurt Busch Ride With Penske

Nyets’ Big Guy Kris Humphries Glad To Return

Why Marc Anthony Wants J-Lo To Suffer

Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez: FILLED WITH HATE

Divorce proceedings turning nasty over custody issues

Helen Mirren Set To Guest Star On “Glee”

Slim, Radiant Adele “Back On The Grind” After Surgery

“Real Housewives Of NJ”‘s Joe Giudice Indicted On Impersonation, Fraud Charges

Mark Sanchez In Huddle With Victoria’s Secret Beauty

Harrison Ford Signed For “Ender’s Game”

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel Engaged?

Meryl Streep Primed To Play Thatcher In “The Iron Lady”

Brent Crude Hits $108 After Iraq Bombings
Nork Media Dubs Kim Jong Un “Outstanding Leader”
French Assembly Debates Armenian Genocide As Turks Act Thuggish
Close To End Of Presidency, Medvedev Urges Sweeping Electoral Reforms
U.S. Erred In Deadly Attack On Pakistani Border Post

PRC Officials Offer Rare Compromise To Rebellious Villagers
Pakistani Army Wants Zardari Out, But Not Coup
Lieberman Didn’t Write Europe Condemnation, Ministry Says
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Seeks Secular State
Ethiopia Convicts Two Swedish Journalists Of Supporting Terrorism

NRO Corner: Boehner Hanging Tough In Payroll Tax Cut Fight
Weasel Zippers: Romney Agrees Obama’s Drunk Driving, Illegal Alien Uncle Should Be Deported
Gateway Pundit: Matt Damon Rips Obama, Says He’d Prefer One-Term President With Balls
Sister Toldjah: Budget Cuts Called For In LA To Offset High Cost of Filthy Occupier Hippies
PJ Tatler: Ron Paul In 1988 (Update: Walks Out Of CNN Interview Over Newsletter Questions)
Big Peace: Romney Says We Shouldn’t Have Invaded Iraq
Yid With Lid: 50 Best Political Quotes Of 2011
Lonely Conservative: Kim Jong-Il, Statism, Starvation, And The Stupid Ladies Of The View
Dorothy Rabinowitz: What Ron Paul Thinks Of America
Legal Insurrection: Shock – Totally Misleading Story About Newt Saying Gays Should Vote For Obama

GayPatriot: Putting Newt’s Response To A Gay Iowan In Context
Michael J. Totten: The Levantine Unraveling
Atlas Shrugs: 34 Congressmen Bow To Hamas-Tied CAIR, Demand Probe Of NYPD Anti-Terror Measures
American Thinker: Adolescent Hackers Post Cops’ Private Data In Retaliation For OWS Evictions

SOTD: Tomorrow


6 Responses to “LIVE AT FIVEEIGHT – 12.22.11”

  1. Kim Jong Il, Statism, Starvation and the Stupid Ladies of The View | The Lonely Conservative
    December 22nd, 2011 @ 8:07 am

    […] excuses and it’s disgusting. It’s no better than defending Nazis.Update: Linked by The Other McCain – thanks!google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ […]

  2. Brendon Carr
    December 22nd, 2011 @ 8:42 am

    Those Pyongyang tours are actually pretty expensive.

  3. Mike Tuggle
    December 22nd, 2011 @ 9:35 am

    “Bombings occur against backdrop of renewed Sunni/Shia political friction.” News headline, 12/22/2011

    “I think there’s been a certain amount of, frankly, Terry, a kind of pop sociology in America, that, you know, somehow the Shia can’t get along with the Sunni, or the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of fundamentalist regime. There’s almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq has always been very secular.” Bill Kristol, April, 2003.

    How many times do Neocons have to be totally, tragically wrong before people quit taking them seriously?

  4. Cartoon of the day « Don Surber
    December 22nd, 2011 @ 9:59 am

    […] Robert Stacy McCain: Late At Eight. […]

  5. Anonymous
    December 22nd, 2011 @ 9:23 pm

    Go ahead, step on my Sex Pistols references. >:(

  6. Anonymous
    December 22nd, 2011 @ 9:24 pm

    Seven times seventy, unless we have a platoon combination that can do the job just as well. Oh, wait, that was Bill James talking about the Alan Wiggins situation with the Padres. Never mind.
