The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Romney Campaign Infiltrated By DHS-Certified Right Winger In Black Ford Mustang Thinking Santorum Thoughts

by Smitty Stacy called to gloat about arriving at the car rental and getting a souped-up Ford Mustang for the price of a mid-sized rental. Spys reporting to Sissypuss the Blog Kitty reported that this was really a Romney campaign stunt, intending to rely on Stacy’s big foot on the gas to get him thrown […]

The Santorum Surge: Mainstream Media Finally Beginning to See Omens in Iowa

IOWA CITY, Iowa If you’ll check Real Clear Politics, you’ll notice we haven’t seen any new poll numbers out of Iowa lately. With no new polls and no more debates, suddenly reporters are forced to focus on the actual on-the-ground campaign here in the Hawkeye State. And once you start paying attention to that kind […]

Red At CHWAC Doesn’t Get The Class Warfare Joke

by Smitty Caught Him With A Corndog posts about Princess Pelosi’s Hawaii trip: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, who served as Speaker of the House and is now head of the House minority, is once again spending her Christmas at the exotic Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu in Kona on the island of Hawaii. […]

Ed Driscoll Missed One: Introducing The New Lefty Craze ‘M-bowing’

by Smitty First, there was Obama’s bowing, and then Tebowing, and now M-bowing (Mao-bowing?), with the arms forming the outsides of the character, with the middle V described by the outline of the leg. The left leg. This new body language is suitable for an #Occupy mike check near you. Try not to bite your […]

Tea Party vs. GOP

by Smitty I find myself mostly agreeing with this analysis in Canada Free Press: The Tea Party is like a young boxer with great skills and a knockout punch, but with skinny legs: a seemingly unstoppable force in the early rounds, if a wily opponent can just survive his initial dynamism, it will be possible […]

Republicans With Shotguns

You know you’re in Iowa when the big story of the day is how many pheasants the candidate killed: Rick Santorum bagged at least four pheasants during his hunting trip Monday at Doc’s Hunt Club. Those four birds were just the “clean kills” that he was certain were the result of his own marksmanship — […]

Rick Santorum On Greta

by Smitty Rick Santorum appeared “On the Record” last night. What an excellent outing! You can chalk it up to friendly media all you like, but Santorum seems both prepared and pleasant; American, even. The interview alluded to this retro video: which is a breath of fresh air. Rick’s Iowa ground game sounds like he’s […]

Ron, When You Accuse Israel Of Starting Hamas, You Need To Cite A Good Reference

by Smitty Ron, you can build a case that the history and politics are complicated, and unfortunate, and never moreso than the Middle East. But when you claim that Israel started Hamas as a means of checking Yassir Arafat, you had better back that up. Otherwise, you risk sounding like a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. […]

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