The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dana Loesch And Rick Santorum? Tea And A Scone, In My Humble

by Smitty Keep listening. It’s boilerplate for the first five minutes, after which the exchange picks up significantly. via Insty


TAMPA, Fla. Polls just closed in the western panhandle of Florida, and there is no need for suspense regarding the result. It has been pretty much a universal certainty for the past week that Romney was going to win this thing pretty easily, and the only question is the final margin of victory. In fact, […]

Interesting Online Data Point–No One Has Much Command In The GOP Scramble

by Smitty This means little more than the fact that Drudge’s server is working, but it may blunt some of the triumphal noises from Romney-land:For a third of a million Drudge readers, I would expect the prohibitive favorite to at least pull one in three, if not two in five. But, like a mortally wounded […]

‘Why Do Younger Men Shorten Women’s Lifespans?’

by Smitty Roxanne de Luca poses the subject question. First off, I think that the Progressive notion that women=men is as much garbage as global warming. Neither gender is superior, in my estimation. I will note in Genesis 3, when the politics hit the fan, that a man is more immediately culpable. Cutting right to […]

Newt Gingrich: Graceless in Defeat?

Newt Gingrich in Fort Myers, Fla., Monday Jan. 30, 2012 NAPLES, Fla. This will be my last day here in the posh condo which Dan Collins has so generously made available as the Florida headquarters of the National Affairs Desk. Tonight I head up to Tampa to cover RINO Fest 2012 Mitt Romney’s victory celebration, […]

Global Warming Is Dead. Will ManBearPig Campaign For ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran Again In 2012?

by Smitty Red Alexandria trots out the tiny violins for global warming, and showed what a tool VA State Senator Adam Ebbin is. Ebbin, however, is but a jeweler’s screwdriver compared to the breaker bar that is ‘Gentleman’ Jim; but neither can hold an incandescent bulb to the uber-tool that is ManBearPig, seen here campaigning […]

It Will Be Interesting To See If Mead Has Read Golberg, Or Listened To Whittle

by Smitty Via Insty, this new series by Walter Russell Mead is either going to get meatier, or stay out in geosynchronous orbit and suck: It is, of course, a very similar situation today. The forces ripping up our old social model are too powerful to beat. That is not because the rich bankers or […]

Madness On The Conservative Front

by Smitty has said “NEWT DENIED ADVOCATING INDIVIDUAL MANDATE DURING THURSDAY’S DEBATE, 2009 AUDIO PROVES HE DID” At Legal Insurrection: This is wrong. I have listened to the entire audio recording, and Newt does not endorse the Obamacare mandate, in part because the speech took place before even the earliest draft of Obamacare had been […]

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