Going To The Political Party Meeting Was Like Eating My Vegetables
Posted on | January 11, 2012 | 5 Comments
by Smitty
I grew up thinking that political parties were mainly for nerdy, preppy people who were taking a break from chess club or something. Then I was in the military, where, while voting is a big deal, partisanship is like evangelizing: a big no-no. Which is good. The fact that the military swears fealty to the Constitution and neither a good President, nor Presidents with creepy imperial overtones, is foundational to recovering the country.
Last night was my intro to the Fairfax County GOP. I’ll likely end up joining, not out of any regard for the Republican Party as such, but the simple realization that, even if you plop a third major party into the mix, it’s going to resemble the GOP in short order. There is no magic formula for this sort of thing. Virginia, being over 400 years old, may be more baroque than other states. We have a committee here for everything except premature Mel Brooks references, but that one is coming soon. People running around with ballot petitions, like the ones all but the Paul and Romney campaigns failed to execute correctly, asking what legislative and magisterial (?) districts you are in. I sat at the Lee District table. Rest in peace, Elbridge Gerry.
Then I remembered I’m a blogger, and Stacy McCain would box my ears if I didn’t produce a post. Out comes the Samsung Galaxy II S!
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Jaime Radtkewas there, in a way George Allen was not. Mrs. Allen offered a fine speech about what great service George has offered over his long career. Jaime offered a rather wonkish litany of just how pear-shaped the political situation is. Also, she remembered having read this blog. One is nearly overcome by feelings of quasi-adequacy! Jaime is a serious contender for the Senate seat, and can succeed where Sharon Angle and Christine O’Donnell fell short, in my humble. George Allen, for all I like the guy, may have some PTSD associated with an obscure three syllable epithet; or maybe it’s just Romney-itis. The primary will tell. Go, Jaime! |
Also attending was Chris Perkins of the 11th District, whose wife my cel phone camera owes an apology. Perkins gave a rousing speech that had much better reception than his two primary contenders. I’m all for more active duty military presence in Congress, for reasons noted above. | ![]() |
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Finally, there was the 8th District’s own Patrick Murray. Having just done this drill two years ago, he seemed significantly more relaxed than my first encounter with him, at CPAC09. Listening to his speech, one could not help but notice that he had a swagger similar to that of Patton, albeit sublimated, as he went on to note that, in a recent poll, he beat Moran by 4 points among independent voters in the district.Never mind the asphyxiated blueness of VA-8. This campaign promises to bring badly needed redness. |
So, will I ever be a rabid Republican? Hope not, but I’ll join and do some of the drudge work necessary to get things going. One speaker noted that the debt is greater than 100% of GDP now, and some think the odds of a QE3 are about 50/50.
I am unashamed to admit being motivated both by fear of inaction and anger at the Progressive noose about the collective neck. Readers of this blog are encouraged to consider devoting a portion of your time and effort to supporting your local candidates.
5 Responses to “Going To The Political Party Meeting Was Like Eating My Vegetables”
January 11th, 2012 @ 10:33 am
Awesome Smitty!!! The TEA Party brought a wave of activists into the “nuts and bolts” of the party, but if the GOP takes the majority again, I suspect that most of them will become complacent and stop coming again.
A few years ago, it was normal for us to beg for delegates to attend the state convention. After the TEA Parties formed, we had to devise a system to pick who actually got to go. Part of that participation has subsided, and will probably subside again after the Presidential election is over. But for now, it appears that a changing of the guard is inevitable. Not that the old guard will go willingly, either.
But 99% of the work is just as you described it: it’s mundane, thankless, and – shudder – political. The meetings are terribly boring, but I found that getting to access the candidates up close and personally provides a lot of insight as to how abysmal voting records still win elections.
January 11th, 2012 @ 10:37 am
Greetings, comrade
From Humboldt GOP. (Yes, California, wish us luck.) Linked.
January 11th, 2012 @ 10:40 am
[…] the Politics that Americans Won’t Do Posted on January 11, 2012 7:40 am by Bill Quick Going To The Political Party Meeting Was Like Eating My Vegetables : The Other McCain So, will I ever be a rabid Republican? Hope not, but I’ll join and do some of the drudge work […]
January 11th, 2012 @ 2:27 pm
LOL. Smitty, I’m not sure what surprised me more: the fact that you want to join the GOP, or the fact that you weren’t already a member. Guess I never thought of it that way. I’m involved and supporting George Allen. Yep … I’m a member of the A-Team in the Shenandoah Valley. But whichever candidate wins will be my general election choice because Tim Kaine was hand-picked by and has rubber-stamped everything Obama. See you at the ballot box, my friend….
January 11th, 2012 @ 4:20 pm
Radtke a serious candidate?
What does a serious candidate draw in a two-way race? 40%? That’s a 20-point defeat.
30% means your opponent more than doubled your vote. I wager she doesn’t make that. Any takers?