The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Congratulations, Perry Supporters!

His doomed campaign pissed away $20 million and never finished better than fifth place anywhere. Let’s see: Perry got 12,557 votes in Iowa and 1,766 votes in New Hampshire, for a total of 14,323 votes, and then quit two days before South Carolina, which was supposed to have been his “firewall” state. By comparison, the […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 01.31.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Buoyant Romney Speaks Of Victory In Florida Aiming to crush the opposition with decisive win Syrian Rebels Block Assad Family’s Escape Convoy to Damascus airport blocked, forced to return to capitol by Free Syrian Forces STOCK Act Advances In Senate Bill would prohibit insider trading by Congressmen POLITICS DC […]

Aw, C’mon, Dan: How About A Little Real World View? UPDATE: Meet. . .
Willard Fabio

by Smitty It may be the case that Stacy made an accidental left turn on Kübler-Ross Drive while in Florida. However, noticing the fact that Bruce CampbellMitt Romney looks nearly Clooney-esque in his chiseled, masculine perfection, in contrast to the former Speaker-as-big-as-the-House, is just blatantly obvious. Should the election be solely about ideas and policy? […]

UPDATE: Newt’s Populist Turn

FORT MYERS, Fla. 6:51 p.m. ET: During his speech today at Page Field, Newt Gingrich spun a conspiratorial view of the opposition to him, saying that Mitt Romney’s campaign is using “recycled” bailout money to attack him. Saying that Goldman Sachs chose Barack Obama in 2008, Gingrich said the giant Wall Street bank — using […]

Tea Party Patriots Bringing It March 24th

by Smitty Via email from the Alexandria Tea Party: Tea Party Patriots has obtained permits for the rally on the East Lawn of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. for Saturday, March 24th and for the Supreme Court steps the following Monday through Wednesday when the case will be heard. Can I get a heck, yeah? […]

Heritage And Those Pesky Facts

by Smitty via Granite Grok

Much Needed Palate Cleanser From Marco Rubio

by Smitty Remind me again why this guy hasn’t been press-ganged into running for POTUS? Rubio sports more authenticity in a short speech than the entirety of the Mitt Romney cannon: Oh yeah: some Ruling Class Overlord hasn’t yet decided it’s Rubio’s ‘turn’, or something. via American Power

Like an Earthquake in Vanuatu: Michelle Malkin Endorses Rick Santorum!

NAPLES, Fla. Woke up about 10:30 this morning expecting to put together a quick aggregation of the morning news. Then I saw Michelle Malkin’s endorsement of Rick Santorum. All bets are off. Forget everything else — this is freaking HUGE! UPDATE: I’m about to go get breakfast, but before that, a few more bits of news: […]

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