The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE – 02.24.12

Posted on | February 24, 2012 | 8 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Wikileaker Defers Plea, Court-Martial Begins

PFC Bradley Manning is escorted out of a Ft. Meade courtroom

Faces life in prison for aiding the enemy, theft of public property

SecState Clinton Suggests Syrian Rebels Will Get Arms
More mush from the wimps, part deux: talk about sanctions continues, but little discussion of actually supplying arms to Syrian opposition

Gay Marriage Awaits O’Malley’s Signature In Maryland
Senate passes bill 25-22; opponents vow November referendum

Poll Finds Growing Support For Santorum In Pennsylvania

Rick Santorum greets an Arizona voter

Leads Romney by almost 30 points in Keystone State

Higher Gas Prices Cloud Obama’s Re-Election Hopes

Seven States Sue To Stop Contraception Mandate

Cook County Commissioner William Beavers Indicted For Tax Fraud

Federal Appeals Court Finds California DNA Testing Constitutional

Christie Takes Aim At School Aid

Gingrich Blasts Obama’s Apology To Karzai

Oil Rises For Seventh Day: Both NYMEX And Brent Up
Gold, Silver Prices Ease In Asian Trade
Sears Shedding More Stores, Reports 4Q Loss
Asian Shares Mixed In Choppy Trade; Oil Spike Sours Mood
AIG Reports Fourth Quarter Profit
BASF’s Bock Pledges To Extend Profit Run To Third Year
Dish Network Adds 22K Subscribers; Blockbuster Video Service Helps Boost Profits 24%
Oil Tank Explosion Shakes Galveston
Bank Of America Breaks With Fannie Mae
Apple’s Legal Battle Over iPad Spreads From PRC To U.S.
CEO: Apple Has More Cash Than It Needs
Gadget-Crazed Youngsters Dubbed “Generation C”
T-Mobile’s Comeback Plan: Is It Enough?
Dropbox Heats Up Cloud Battle With Photo Upload Feature
Prepare For The Padfone

Heat’s Defense Cures Linsanity

Miami's Dwayne Wade beats the Knicks' Jeremy Lin to the basket

Miami wins eighth straight game, 102-88

Arbitrator Holds Ryan Braun Is Clean Enough; 50-Game Suspension Overturned

Danica Patrick Escapes Unscathed After Wreck In Daytona Qualifier

Thunder Tops Lakers, Ties Heat As NBA’s Best

Canucks Down Red Wings To End Record Home Win Streak

Colts In No Hurry To End Peyton Era

#15 Florida State Falls To #5 Duke

Kings Acquire Carter From Columbus For Jack Johnson, #1 Draft Pick

Rizzo Hopeful To Strike Deal With Zimmerman By Saturday

Chris Brown Accused Of Stealing Fan’s iPhone

Abusive singer profiles with Grammy Award

Police report says singer drove off with phone after grabbing it from fan

Aimee Teegarden From “Friday Night Lights” Lands Star Role In CW’s “Hunger Games” Knockoff “The Selection”

Paris Hilton’s “Drunk Text” Music Video: Must Be Heard To Be Believed

Charlie Sheen’s Ex Brooke Mueller Charged With Cocaine Possession

Snooki, JWoww Barred From Jersey City Wine Shop

Edgar Wright In Talks To Direct Johnny Depp In “Night Stalker” Remake

“Friends Of Syria” Ready Assad Ultimatum
Afghan Protests Over Koran Burning Enter Fourth Day
Cameron Hails “Turning Point” On Somalia
U.S. Intel Report: Iran Not Trying To Build Nuke?
Poll: Putin Likely To Gain First-Ballot Win
Atypical Unrest Troubles Senegal’s Election
Progress But No Breakthrough In Nork Nuke Talks
Rudd Challenges Gillard For ALP Leadership In Monday Ballot
UK Labor MP Charged In Drunken Brawl
Swedish Royal Court Announces Birth Of New Heir

PJ Tatler: CNN Has Romney, Santorum Tied In Michigan
Jim Geraghty: NYT Columnist Mocks Romney’s “Magic Underwear”
Legal Insurrection: Charles M. Blow Is The Mob
Lonely Conservative: Obama’s Energy Plan? Algae
Pirate’s Cove: Obama Thinks You’re Stupid – Pushes Algae For Fuel
NewsBusters: Chris Christie Smacks Down WaPo’s Capehart
Sister Toldjah: At Long Last, The John Edwards Sex Tape Drama Is Over
Weekly Standard: “Lunch-In” Protests Crackdown On Homemade Lunches
Gateway Pundit: Pelosi Slams GOP, Catholic Church Over Contraception Mandate
Atlas Shrugs: American Muslim Judge Threatens To Jail Infidel Victim For Blasphemy
Jawa Report: Freedom Of Speech Denied In America


8 Responses to “LIVE AT FIVE – 02.24.12”

  1. Math class is tough « Don Surber
    February 24th, 2012 @ 6:35 am

    […] Robert Stacy McCain. CommentsPowered by Facebook Comments […]

  2. Pathfinder's wife
    February 24th, 2012 @ 9:41 am

    Why is Bradley Manning not facing the hangman’s noose?  Why?

    What he did was horrible and treasonous, and put a target on a lot of people’s backs.  He should not be getting off so easy.

  3. Wombat_socho
    February 24th, 2012 @ 10:32 am

    I agree completely.

  4. Quartermaster
    February 24th, 2012 @ 12:47 pm

    Because the military is cowardly about the issue. He should be facing death for aiding the enemy in time of war.

  5. Quartermaster
    February 24th, 2012 @ 12:48 pm

    Arming the Syrian rebels will be a serious mistake. But, FedGov has done very few things in foreign relations that have not been a mistake for a very long time. I think you must be able to prove you’ve had a lobotomy to gain appointment to a FedGov position these days.

  6. Pathfinder's wife
    February 24th, 2012 @ 3:31 pm

    More like the military is held hostage by a public that is too stupid to know who the real enemies are.

  7. Obama Thinks We’re F**king Idiots! « That Mr. G Guy's Blog
    February 24th, 2012 @ 7:11 pm

    […] Live At Five, TOM Share this:StumbleUponDiggFacebookTwitterRedditLike this:Like2 bloggers like this […]

  8. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    February 26th, 2012 @ 9:30 am

    […] Other McCain Full Metal Jacket. And how about Live At 5. And Rule 5! (last […]
