The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Five Academy Award-Winning Beauties Who Are Moms (Unlike Ashley Judd)

When people think of factors involved in Hollywood success, motherhood probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Despite what the embittered rantings of childless pro-abortion fanatic Ashley Judd might lead you to believe, however, many of the world’s most famous actresses have shown that women can have glamour, a successful movie career, critical […]

Everybody Keeps Getting a Busy Signal at the Blogger Burnout Hotline Nowadays

Professor William Jacobson laments Don Surber’s recent decision to quit blogging. It is probably just a coincidence that Don, one of the most valuable members of the conservative blogosphere since 2005, was never invited to speak at BlogCon. Instapundit grimly holds on. UPDATE: Pat Austin is also grimly hanging on in Shreveport. She offers to chat over […]

Ashley Judd Makes Cruel and Tasteless Jokes About Abortion in Political Video

Barren middle-aged actress Ashley Judd in scene from ‘Rick Santorum Aborts Presidential Campaign’ video When last we heard from bitter, childless, menopausal Ashley Judd, the over-the-hill ex-starlet gave us a feminist lecture about how she was being victimized by the oppressive gossip-blog patriarchy. Last week, however, Judd joined forces with three more attractive actresses — fellow […]

Boehner: Obama ‘Picking a Fight Where One Doesn’t Exist’ on Student Loans

“No one wants student loan interest rates to go up,” House Speaker John Boehner told Candy Crowley in an interview aired today on CNN’s State of the Union. “For the president to politicize this for his own re-election is picking a fight where one doesn’t exist.” Boehner pointed out that President Obama signed “the payroll […]

Administration’s Counter-Terrorism Chief Does Three Network Sunday Shows

Coming up on the first anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, it will be victory-lap time on Fox News Sunday, CNN’s State of the Union and ABC’s This Week, with counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan as the guest. Andrew Malcolm writes: You remember Brennan as the one rushed out to the White House […]

My Son’s Not Brain Dead; That’s His Obama Impression

by Smitty Via Daily Pundit and All American Blogger comes a creepy tale from Old Blighted of some ‘doctors’ who, for whatever reason, didn’t seem interested in doing their job: The Mail reports that Stephen Thorpe, then 17, was placed in a medically-induced coma following a multi-car pileup that had already taken the life of […]

Ruh-Roh: Watchdog Warns of ‘Red Flags’ in Gingrich Campaign’s Financial Reports

Newt Gingrich campaigns in Fort Myers, Fla., Jan. 30, 2012 Before we get to the news, let me make a disclaimer: Every time I criticize Newt Gingrich’s disastrous presidential campaign, some of Newt’s supporters get angry at me and seem to miss the point of my criticism. From my perspective, the person Gingrich’s admirers should be […]

Obama Ad: If Romney’s Extremities Get Any More Extremely Extreme, His Limbs Gonna Fly Off And Hit Somebody

by Smitty This Obama campaign ad is kind of a hoot: I suppose the point here is to terrify the ‘hen-house’ with the notion that Mitt is some big, bad wolf. Thoughts: Are women, in general, the kind of dupes implied by this ad, who can easily be driven about the chicken coop with plays […]

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