The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

UPDATE: Lying Felon Brett Kimberlin Scores a Draw in Maryland Hearing

Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison “[I]n 1981, Kimberlin . . . was finally convicted of a week-long bombing spree . . . in which eight separate bombs caused extensive property damage, destroyed a police cruiser, and severely maimed a man, which eventually led to the man’s suicide.” — […]

World’s Youngest Blogger, Wheels Edition

by Smitty

Mataconis: Less Guano, Please

by Smitty Mataconis takes Podhoretz to task for asserting that the Chief Justice contradicted himself by discussing ObamaCare in terms of the Anti-Injunction Act for purposes of standing, and then turning around and finding ObamaCare Constitutional as an exercise of tax power. Clearly, Roberts is discussion two very distinct issues in these different section of […]

Ott Finds Humor In ObamaCare Decision

by Smitty Ott makes an excellent effort at finding some humor in the ObamaCare news. I thought the final EU joke worked the best:

Save The ObamaCare Adrenalin For GOTV Efforts

by Smitty Surveying the blogs, there is as much certainty about how to interpret Chief Justice Roberts after the fact as there was about the ObamaCare decision prior to issue. Clearly, John Roberts is a strong contender for the All-Time Shrewdest Judas award. While we can all berate Roberts for not simply doing the minimal […]

Convicted Perjurer Brett Kimberlin Has 8:30 a.m. Hearing in Maryland Today

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Brett Kimberlin will return to Montgomery County (Maryland) District Court this morning, seeking a peace order against a Virginia man who drove past Kimberlin’s home in Bethesda two weeks ago. The final hearing on Kimberlin’s complaint against John Norton (Case No. 0601SP033922012) […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 06.29.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Obamacare Pyrrhic Victory For Democrats? GOP, Romney vow to repeal PPACA after court upholds most provisions House Finds Holder In Contempt Over “Fast & Furious” Bipartisan 255-67 vote Assad Vows To “Annihilate Terrorists” As Clinton, Lavrov Meet Russian FM, SecState discuss Annan’s unity government plan POLITICS One Killed, Two […]

Criminal Insanity as a Career Qualification

A man who panhandles in New York while dressed as the Sesame Street character Elmo — occasionally erupting in obscene rants about “the international Jew” — was apprehended earlier this week and briefly institutionalized for psychiatric evaluation. Parents everywhere will be glad to know that Crazy Jew-Hating Panhandler Elmo has been released from custody and is […]

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