The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE: 08.06.12

Posted on | August 6, 2012 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

FBI: Motive In Oak Creek Sikh Gurdwara Shooting Unclear

Amardeep Kaleka, son of the slain gurdwara president, prays in the parking lot

Seven dead, including the shooter; possible white supremacy angle?

PRC Calls In Senior US Diplomat Over South China Sea Remarks
Chicoms unhappy about recent State Dept. comments

Jamaica Gets Rain As Tropical Storm Ernesto Passes By
No casualties and little damage

NASA’s Global Warmening Guru Ties Heat Waves To…You’ll Never Guess

James Hansen, NASA climate alarmist

Heat waves so severe they’ve never been seen in human history! Well, okay, since the 1930s, anyway…

Rice, Haley, McCain Announced As Speakers At GOP National Convention

Battles Over State Voting Laws Head To Court In Ohio And Elsewhere

Video Shows Senator Kirk’s Progress In Recovery From Stroke

Kansas Conservatives Seek To Purge Obstructionist Moderates In Tuesday’s Primary
Related: At Red States Gathering, Tea Party Ready To Flex Muscle Again

Oil Slips After Weekend Surge; NYMEX $91.17, Brent $108.47
Knight Capital To Get $400 Million Lifeline, But At Steep Cost
US Hiring Picked Up In July. So Did Unemployment.
Monti Warns Germany: Eurozone Crisis Threatens Europe’s Future
Facebook & Twitter Set Off New Platform Wars
One Year Later: What US Downgrade?
Apple’s Fancy E-Commerce Could Trump Facebook’s
Blackberry Boss: “Our Platform Isn’t Burning”
Social Engineering, Weak Tech Support Make Strong Passwords Useless
Amazon Instant Video Now Available On iPad
Amazing “This Is Now” Website Shows Live Stream Of Instagram Pix In Major Cities

Rain Hits At Perfect Time For Pocono Winner Jeff Gordon

Jeff Gordon celebrates with his family

Gets first victory at rain-shortened Pennsylvania 400
Related: One killed, 9 injured by lightning strike after race

Ninth Straight Loss A Nightmare For Tribe

Gonzalez, Crawford Power Sox To 6-4 Win Over Twins

Lincecum, Giants Beat Rockies 8-3

…And Some Stuff Happened At The Olympics

Strasburg Rebounds On The Mounds As Nats Fillet Fish 4-1

Natalie Portman Gets Married

Benjamin Millepied & Natalie Portman

Hitched after two-year engagement

Kristen Stewart Hysterical Over Cheating Scandal

Amanda Bynes Accused Of Another Hit & Run

Nick Jonas Hoping For “American Idol” Judge Nod

Unlike Senate Majority Leader, John Travolta Denies Sexually Assaulting Other Men

Lindsay Lohan Signed For “Scary Movie 5” With Charlie Sheen

Stevie Wonder Files For Divorce

Karina Smirnoff Weighs In On All-Star “Dancing With The Stars”

Just Like A Teenage Crush: Devoted Beyonce Decorates Fingernails With Portrait Of Jay-Z

Octomom – The Topless Album Cover

Syrian Rebels Hold Iranians Prisoner
Gaza Gunmen Killed After Murder Of Egyptian Border Guards
Ambassador Oren Ties Iran To Border Crossing Attack
Hiroshima Marks Anniversary Of Atomic Bombing
Israel Upgrades ABM Systems
Suicide Bomber Kills 45 At Funeral In Yemen
Sudan Oil Deal Hits snag On Security
Karzai Moves To Reassure Allies After Security Ministers Dismissed
Turkish Security Forces Kill 115 Kurdish Rebels On Syria/Iraq/Turkey Border
Spanish Judge Chrges, Jails Two Russians On Terrorism Charges
Massive Rallies By Philippine Catholics To Oppose UN-Backed Birth Control Bill

Weasel Zippers: Harry Reid Has Obama Campaign’s Blessing To Repeat Bogus Romney Tax Claims
Charlie Mahtesian: GOP Tells Reid “You’re Next”
Joshuapundit: Axelrod Walks Back DOJ Suit Against Ohio’s Military Voting Extension
Hit & Run: Roseanne Still Running For President
Blazing Cat Fur: Can’t Be Worse Than Obama
Atlas Shrugs: Anna Ringstrom of Reuters Thinks Freedom Equals Racism
PJ Tatler: Obama Campaign Spends $400 Million In 18 Months
Daily Pundit: Too Late 2
Israel Matzav: Tom Friedman’s Quid Pro Quo?
Power Line: Green Weenie Of The Week – Thomas Friedman


3 Responses to “LIVE AT FIVE: 08.06.12”

  1. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    August 6th, 2012 @ 10:27 am

    Kristen Stewart is gorging on ice cream and not showering?  She is the one who cheated.  If she wants Patterson back, eating ice cream and not showering is not a good way to do it.  Then again, the cheating did not help either.  

  2. Wombat_socho
    August 6th, 2012 @ 11:19 am

     To be honest, I was tempted to just leave that story out. The whole thing is paparazzi fodder. Unfortunately, there was a shortage of celebrity nonsense, as there usually is on Mondays.

  3. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    August 6th, 2012 @ 12:07 pm

    That story is worth posting only as an example of how insipid, shallow, and self absorbed Hollywood really is.  It is the insignificance, vapidness, and self indulgent vanity of the story that makes it resonate.

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