The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE: 08.13.12

Posted on | August 13, 2012 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ryan & Obama Face Off In Iowa; Romney Takes The Bus To Florida

Speaks for itself, don't you think?

Ryan to visit State Fair, Obama to wave money under farmers’ noses

Egypt’s Mursi Orders Senior Military Commanders Into Retirement
Field Marshal Tantawi, armed forces chief of staff, and commanders of air force & navy get the boot

London Passes Olympic Baton To Rio

Pop stars, psychedelia, and stuff like that mark the closing ceremonies

Billy Graham Hospitalized With Infection

Billy Graham

93-year-old evangelist in stable condition with bronchitis

Gabrielle Giffords, Husband Moving Back To Tucson

Month-Long Caravan To Visit More Than 20 US Cities In Quest For End To Drug War

Sarah Palin Will Be In Tampa, But Won’t Be Speaking At RNC

US Media Discover Sikh Religion; Ignorance On Full Display

TSA Officers Allege Racial Profiling At Logan Airport

Social Security Surplus Dwarfed By Future Deficits

Oil Rises Ahead Of US Sales Data; NYMEX $93.30, Brent $113.65
BP Sells Two Texas Natural Gas Plants To Eagle Rock Energy
Draghi’s Show Of Unity Cracks
Stocks, Copper Drop As Japan GDP Stokes Woes; Corn, Wheat Also Drop
HSBC Wins Court Fight To Evict Hong Kong Occupods
Curiosity’s New OS Upgrade Ready To Go Live
Motorola To Cut 4000 Jobs In Google Restructure
App.Net Raises $600K to Build An Ad-Free Alternative To Twitter
EA Expects Digital Sales To Pass Box Sales Soon
Google Appeases Hollywood, Angers Internet Freedom Watchers
B&N Cuts Nook Prices, Undercuts Kindle Fire

Ambrose Wins Duel With Keselowski At Watkins Glen

Ambrose holding a tight lead at the Finger Lakes 355

Oily track makes for slip-siding, bumper-banging excitement

Dolphins Release WR Chad Johnson After His Arrest For Domestic Violence

Tigers Forget Gloves, Lose To Rangers 8-3

Niese Gets Mets Past Braves, Despite Best Efforts Of Mets Bullpen To Blow It

Astros Can’t Complete Sweep, Fall To Brewers 5-3

Olympic Silliness Finally Over, And About Time Too

Nats’ Bats No Cure For Ailing Detwiler

Katy Perry Sics Lawyers On Soon-To-Be-Ex Russell Brand

Russell Brand and his new GF

Katy not amused by Russell’s japes about marriages; lawyers impose gag order

Jennifer Aniston Engaged To Justin Theroux

Miley Cyrus Lands Recurring Role On “Two And A Half Men”

“High School Moms” Debuts

Spice Girls Reunite To Perform At Olympic Closing Ceremonies

Marilyn Manson Goes Through LAX Security With “F*** You” On Face

50 Cent Slams Kanye West’s Love For Unspeakable Armenian

Lorne Michaels Not Producing Oscars

Brangelina Wedding Rumors Flare Up, Cool Down Just As Quickly

Lindsay Lohan Raises Hell At Francesca Eastwood’s Birthday Party

Iraq Gives Total Ultimatum On Kurdish Oil Deal
Over 300 Dead, 16,000 Homeless After Killer Quakes Whack Iran
Syrian Rebels Call For No-Fly Zones, Safe Havens
Australian Panel Calls For Deportation Of Asylum Seekers
Egypt: Hamas Likely Knew About Kerem Shalom Attack
Baba Ramdev Detained By Police, Anticorruption March Fails To Reach Parliament
Netanyahu: Threat From Iran Dwarfs All Others
Largest London Fire In Years Erupts At Recycling Center
Bo Xilai’s Case Tougher For CCP Than Wife’s Murder Trial
Lebanon Military Tribunal Charges Lawmaker With Syria-Linked Plot
Mumbai Police: Azad Maidan Violence Was Planned

Joshuapundit: Romney And Ryan Strike Back At Obama’s Medicare Tactics On “60 Minutes”
Jammie Wearing Fools: Politico Hack Whines About Romney Choosing Schieffer For Interview
American Power: Fake Journalist Joan Walsh Attacks Paul Ryan As “Randian Poseur”
Power Line: MSM On Ryan Pick – “Women And Minorities Hardest Hit”
Moe Lane: Politico Lies About Romney-Ryan Wisconsin Turnout. Yes, You’re Shocked.
Scared Monkeys: A Tale Of Two Campaigns
American Thinker: Romney Campaign Raises $3.5 Million In First 24 Hours After Ryan Pick
Legal Insurrection: This Is What 2012 Looks Like
Jihad Watch: Muslim Brotherhood Consolidates Power, Ousts Military Chiefs
Israel Matzav: Ryan A Defense Hawk
NewsBusters: Wasserman-Schultz Claims She Has No Idea Of Political Affiliation Of People Behind Ad Blaming Romney For Woman’s Death


3 Responses to “LIVE AT FIVE: 08.13.12”

  1. elaine
    August 13th, 2012 @ 6:04 am

    I’ve held my tongue about the Ryan pick for as long as I can.  Anyone see this bit from the Washington Post about yesterday’s campaigning?

    Romney tried to distance himself from his running mate’s budget plan, making clear that his ideas rule, not Ryan’s.

    “I have my budget plan,” Romney said, “And that’s the budget plan we’re going to run on.”


    Let’s be clear here: Romney selected Ryan in order to neuter him and the whole Tea Party/fi-con wing of the GOP.

    It took less than 48 hours for Romney’s true intention to appear; this was as cynically calculated a choice for VP as McCain’s tapping Palin, if not more so.  Both were intended to get the conservatives excited about supporting a loathsome candidate.  In the case of Ryan, it’s even worse than that, because they’ll be removing a strong fi-con from a seat of power in the House and basically giving him a figurehead job.

    Romney has always been a GOP Progressive, and this latest item proves it.  He has no intention of ending Obamacare, in spite of his promises.  And he has no intention of making the hard, meaningful cuts we need in the budget.

    We’ve once more been screwed by the GOP Establishment.

    Can we please start our own party now?  Or will you require even more evidence that the GOP will do everything in its power to stymy  the Tea Party?

    Call me Eeyore all you like, it won’t change the neutral objective facts.  We’ve been screwed yet again.

  2. LIVE AT FIVE: 08.13.12 | The Other McCain | I'm a Man! I'm 41!
    August 13th, 2012 @ 6:52 am
  3. Wombat_socho
    August 13th, 2012 @ 1:14 pm

    That’s a lot of extrapolation built on one little sentence in an AP article.

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