The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

20 August 2012: ‘Prime Minister’ Obama Should Pay Attention To Detail

Posted on | August 24, 2012 | 6 Comments

by Smitty  (via KSDK)

For context, there was the ‘Dishonorable Disclosures‘ video, where a cadre of non-active Spec Ops folks called out the administration for politicizing and jeopardizing warfighters in the effort to capitalize on the demise of bin Laden. The video has north of 3 million hits on YouTube. One might say a nerve has been struck.

And so #OccupyResoluteDesk further beclowned himself in St. Louis:

Emphasis mine below:

Washington (CNN) – President Obama says he’s not worried about the impact of a film and ad campaign produced by a group of retired Special Ops soldiers.
The 22-minute-long film is called “Dishonorable Disclosures.”
It criticizes the Obama administration for releasing too many details about last year’s Osama bin Laden raid and killing.
The president says, when watching a film like this, viewers should consider the source.
“I won’t take this film to seriously, I gather that one of the producers is a birther who still doesn’t think I was born in this country. You got ah, one who was a Republican candidate for office and a proud card carrying member of the Tea Party. So ah, yeah this is obviously a partisan film. I’d advise that you talk to General McRaven who is in charge of our Special Ops. I think he has a point of view in terms of how deeply I care about what these folks do each and every day to protect our freedom,” said Obama.
President Obama has regularly cited the killing of bin Laden as a campaign promise he fulfilled, and the head of special operations, Admiral William McRaven, recently said Mister Obama deserved credit.
The Op Sec Education Fund raised about a million dollars to produce the film.

It really is a bad thing, ‘Senator’ Obama, when you underscore the criticism of you as being inept, disconnected, and contemptuous of the corps of men and women who serve this country. Especially when you’ve been touted as some kind of a superior intellect, ‘Judge’.

via Riehl World News


6 Responses to “20 August 2012: ‘Prime Minister’ Obama Should Pay Attention To Detail”

  1. JeffS
    August 24th, 2012 @ 12:31 pm

    Maybe he bet on Army at the last Army-Navy game?

  2. itsatax
    August 24th, 2012 @ 2:19 pm

    The correct term is “Premier Obama”

  3. smitty
    August 24th, 2012 @ 2:54 pm

    Premier. . .Satrap. . .Sultan

  4. richard mcenroe
    August 24th, 2012 @ 3:29 pm

    He took Coast Guard to beat the spread.

  5. Red
    August 24th, 2012 @ 4:20 pm

    November 6 can’t get here fast enough, no?

  6. Bob Belvedere
    August 24th, 2012 @ 8:36 pm

    One has to wonder if this clown has so demeaned and discredited the Presidency that it can recover from his effort to drag it into his own fetid and foul gutter.
