The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE: 09.13.12

Posted on | September 13, 2012 | Comments Off on LIVE AT FIVE: 09.13.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ambassador Stevens Remembered As Collegial, Effective Envoy

Ambassador Chris Stevens, RIP

“He was loved by everybody,” said Ahmed al-Abbar, a Libyan opposition leader during the revolution. Apparently not.

Media Upset With Romney Remarks On Embassy Attacks
Romney criticizes Obama’s response to Cairo, Benghazi; left rediscovers “politics stops at water’s edge” bromide

Court Rejects Demjanjuk Estate’s Appeal To Restore Citizenship
Considered not guilty by German courts; US courts say case mooted by his death

Evaluations, Not Pay At Center Of Chicago Teacher Strike

Teachers walk the picket line outside Chicago elementary school

Strike expected to enter fourth day with no sign of resolution

Warren Struggles In Home Stretch

House Subcommittee Grills Dept. Of Energy Bureaucrats On Y-12 Breach

Obama Campaigns In Vegas After “Tough Day”

Florida Agrees To Restore Voters Mistakenly ID’d As Non-Citizens

Pennsylvania Supreme Court To Hear Voter ID, Redistricting Plan Cases

U.S. Poverty Rate Remains High

Oil Down Slightly On Surprise Increase In Inventory; NYMEX $97.00, Brent $115.96
Wall Street Has Hopes For QE3
US, German Bonds Fall; Spanish, Italian Debt Up
McDonald’s To Post Calorie Counts On Menus, Drive-Throughs
FDIC Pushes Banks To Make Market Out Of Unbanked Americans
Apple Unveils iPhone 5, Press Wets Itself
Nintendo Details December Wii U Release
How The iPhone 5 Stacks Up To Samsung’s Galaxy S III
“Six Strikes” Piracy Warning System To Debut Soon
Microsoft Launches Visual Studio 2012 To Cultivate “Rock Stars”
Google Sponsors Free Wi-Fi For Android Users Via Boingo

NHL Offers Rejected As Players Ponder European Option

NHLPA head Donald Fehr with players

Offers exchanged, rejected

Notre Dame Joins ACC For Everything But Football

Cards Still Shuffling

Indians Lose 5-2 To Rangers, Fall To 15-43 Since All-Star Break

Snakes Rally To Top Dodgers 3-2

2013 MLB Schedule Makes Interleague Games An Everyday Thing

 O’s Proving They’re More Than A Fluke

Brewers Thrash Braves 8-2

Lannan Uses Finesse, Homers From Zimmerman & Desmond To Beat Mets 2-0; Magic Number Now 11

Adriana Lima Gives Birth To Daughter Sienna

Adriana Lima

Second baby weighs in around seven pounds

Heidi Klum: Yes, I’m Banging My Bodyguard

Lohan Scaring Producers

Britney Spears Team Bans Alcohol On “X Factor” Set

Jessica Simpson Catches Flak For Baby’s Bikini

Kathy Bates Undergoes Double Mastectomy

Bravo Developing “Heathers” Reboot

Chad Johnson Charged With Battery

Critics Rip “Today” For 9/11 Anniversary Coverage

Octomom Has New House – Paid For By Porn

Minor League Hockey Team Offers Tryout To Justin Bieber
Because those teenage girls love the puck, IYKWIMAITYD

German Court Rejects Calls To Block ESM Fund
US Launching Apparent Terrorist Hunt In Libya
Ruling VVD Claims Victory In Dutch Elections With 41 Seats
Final Death Toll In Pak Factory Fires Over 300
Another Riot Outside Cairo Embassy
Australian Police Conduct Anti-Terror Raids In Melbourne
PRC VP’s Absence Raises Succession Questions
Chavistas Get Violent At Opposition Rally
Norks Rebuff ROK Flood Aid Offer
Russian PM Medvedev Proposes Probation For Pussy Riot
Wikileaks Rapist Ripped For Linking Benghazi Embassy Attack To His Case

WyBlog: No, Mr. Obama, The US Does Not Always Reject Efforts To Denigrate Religious Faiths
Gateway Pundit: After Embassy Torched And Ambassador Killed, Obama Delivers “Strongly Worded” Speech
Allahpundit: Administration Agrees With Romney, Cairo Embassy Statement Was Awful
Neo-neocon: Security? What Security?
Atlas Shrugs: Obama’s Epic Fail Misfire
Phil Klein: How The Media Turned An Obama Bungle Into A Romney Gaffe
Legal Insurrection: Dead Ambassador Dragged Through Streets, Media Furious At Romney’s criticism Of Obama
Newsbusters: NYT Puts Coverage Of Cairo, Benghazi Attacks On Page A4
Power Line: Journalists Collaborate On Attacking Romney
NRO Corner: The Insane MSM Questions Romney Faced At Presser
Scared Monkeys: MSNBC Host Asks Who’s More Dangerous, Khamenei Or Netanyahu
AmSpecBlog: HHS Secretary Sebelius Violated Hatch Act To Boost Obama


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