The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Report: 2 Marines Killed in Afghanistan

Posted on | September 14, 2012 | 11 Comments

Among other headlines today:

Reports: Attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan;
Prince Harry training on base; 2 Marines killed


Black flag of Islam flies
over U.S. embassy in Tunisia

London Daily Mail

Three dead as protesters attack
U.S. embassy in Tunisia


Film maker behind anti-Muslim video
‘could be sent back to jail’

London Daily Telegraph


Ace of Spades HQ

And a couple of Tweets:

UPDATE: Brief bulletin from Reuters:

At least two U.S. Marines were killed during what was described as a complex Taliban attack on base in southern Afghanistan, U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The incident at Camp Bastion in southern Helmand province also left others wounded, the officials said, without offering further details, including on the nationalities of the wounded.

And in other “Holy Crap I Can’t Believe This SCOAMF Is Leading Ohio by Seven Freaking Points” headline updates:

White House Denies Islamic Protests
Are Reaction to Obama’s Foreign Policy

American Power

Bloody Hand Prints at Consulate
Reveal Americans Were Dragged
From Building Before Their Death

Gateway Pundit

Meanwhile, White House Press Secretary Jay Blow Me explains that this has nothing to do with President Gutsy Call’s policy:


Go look at the map of today’s protests assembled by the Atlantic. To the extent that anyone involved actually cares about the movie, what they care about is the fact that the U.S. government refuses to censor it. The government would like to censor it, clearly, but they’re barred by the First Amendment; Islamist totalitarians have trouble with that concept, though, so they’re holding the White House responsible for the film’s publication despite Carney’s obsequious stammering over how mean and disgusting and reprehensible and awful it is. They’re protesting the idea of free speech, in other words, which is supposed to be — supposed to be — “U.S. policy.”

C’mon: Seven freaking points, Ohio?


11 Responses to “Report: 2 Marines Killed in Afghanistan”

  1. smitty
    September 14th, 2012 @ 6:43 pm

    Lord rest these victims, and lift up their families.
    And thank you for getting me safely out of there.

  2. TachyphagiaTizzy8
    September 14th, 2012 @ 7:06 pm
  3. Bob Belvedere
    September 14th, 2012 @ 7:25 pm

    Spam, Egg, Sausage, and Spam.

  4. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    September 14th, 2012 @ 7:46 pm
  5. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    September 14th, 2012 @ 7:48 pm
  6. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    September 14th, 2012 @ 7:56 pm

    I would take that Maris poll with a grain of salt. How to you get to Obama at 7+ with this nugget of info:

    Party ID. 93% of Democrats likely to vote support the president while 92% of Republicans are behind Romney. Among independent voters, 44% are for Romney compared with 41% for Obama.

    Am I missing something? What was the split % on party affiliation? This is Ohio. The 2010 midterm turnout had a D/R/I of 36/37/28.

  7. Becca Lower
    September 14th, 2012 @ 8:26 pm

    Someone I trust with poll (and much lefty reporting) fisking took a look at that poll and reckoned that the sample is close to D +10. There’s no great groundswell here for the president, Stacy. If anything, it’s a dead heat.

  8. 2 US Marines Killed in Taliban Attack in Afghanistan – Updated | The Lonely Conservative
    September 14th, 2012 @ 8:51 pm

    […] been breached. (Read More)If I hear anyone blame this on that stupid video I might scream.Update: The Other McCain has more on this as well as other grim headlines from the day.Oh, and there’s this via […]

  9. Middle East Violence Escalates: Good Thing Everyone Loves us Because of Obama
    September 14th, 2012 @ 8:58 pm

    […]  I found most of the links at The Other McCain, so get over there, and hit his tip jar!  Related […]

  10. Finrod Felagund
    September 14th, 2012 @ 9:37 pm
  11. Adjoran
    September 14th, 2012 @ 10:44 pm

    RIP our Marines.

    The Marist poll doesn’t disclose crosstabs, so at this point in the race, it should be disregarded completely, not even mentioned. As EBL & Becca Lower note above, something stinks about it – a dead even state, equal enthusiasm (which has not been found by any other poll this year), Romney leads independents slightly – but trails by 7 overall? It’s only possible with a stacked sample.

    Look, even Allahpundit is now mentioning the party breakdowns of the polls he posts, and he is a lot less of a sobbing sissy for it. When you see how the fix is in, you don’t get so depressed over the raw numbers.
