The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | November 1, 2012 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Romney Campaign Expands Map, Forces Obama On Defense

Mitt Romney

Romney, allied SuperPACs making ad buys in Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania as Obama advisers scoff

Slow Recovery From Superstorm Sandy Begins
Six million homes, businesses without power; fifty thousand utility men from Canada and the rest of the US pitch in to help

David Cameron Suffers Stinging Defeat Over EU Budget
Fifty Tory MPs join Labour in opposing increased budget for EU

Christie, Obama Play Disaster Tourist As Media Looks On Approvingly

Governor Christie and President Obama visit Brigantine NJ

“…a powerful image of bipartisan cooperation just six days before the election…”

NYC Subways Restore Partial Service; LaGuardia To Reopen Today

National Guard Evacuates Flooded Hoboken, Brings In Supplies

DHS Seeks Patriotic Computer Geeks

Supreme Court To Decide Whether Drug-Sniffing Dogs Pass The Smell Test

Wisconsin Senate Race Bitterly Close

GOP Poised To Increase Edge In Governors

Asian Americans Push For Political Clout

Oil Futures Mixed In Wake Of Sandy: NYMEX $86.35, Brent $108.76
Asian Shares Fall Despite Improving PRC Manufacturing
Stocks End Flat, Dow Falls 2.5% For October
Treasury Sees Debt Limit Approaching Near End Of Year
Netflix Shares Surge As Icahn Takes 10% Stake
3Q Profit Helps GM Shares Soar
Eurozone Unemployment Hits Record 11.6%
Why Apple (And You) Might Miss Scott Forstall
Microsoft Sued Over Windows 8 Interface
Nexus 7 Tablet’s Sales Approach One Million Per Month
FCC Details Sandy-Related Cellphone Problems
“Halo 4” Is The Next Chapter, Not The Next Evolution

Harden Brilliant For Houston As Rockets Beat Pistons 105-96

James Harden drives for the basket

Jeremy Lin scores 12 with 8 assists

Trail Blazers Stun Slumping Lakers

Giants Victory Parade Set To Roll At 11 AM

Sixers Grind Out 84-75 Win Against Nuggets In Opener

Angels Trade Ervin Santana To Royals For Prospect

NYC Marathon On As Planned Despite Sandy

13th Straight Day With No Talks In NHL Lockout

PCB Chief Ashraf Proposes Joint Indo-Pak T20 League

Yankees Return Rule 5 Pick Brad Meyers To Nationals

Tim Tebow Finally Scores

Tim Tebow and Camilla Belle

Takes “Push” actress bowling

Kate Moss: The Vanity Fair Interview

Evan Rachel Wood And Jamie Bell Get Hitched

Miley Cyrus Dresses Up As Nicki Minaj For Halloween

Kanye West Apologizes To Papparazzo

Cee Lo Green Accused Of Sexual Battery, Denies Charges

Jessica Simpson Has Her Waist Back

Bristol Palin Making Levi Johnson’s Life A Living Hell Over Child Support

Ten Killed, Fifty Missing In Riyadh Tanker Explosion
Taoiseach Kenny To Discuss Economic Growth Plans With Merkel
Erdogan Asks For German Help With Syrian Refugees
Clinton Calls For Overhaul Of Syrian Rebels’ Leadership
Why Chicoms’ President Matters More To India Than The American President
US Warns Israel Off Preemptive Strike On Iran
Four Dead, Five Missing s Cyclone Hits Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh
PRC Patrol Boats Allegedly Expel Japanese Ships From Senkaku Waters
Sri Lanka Ruling Party MPs Move To Impeach Chief Justice

WyBlog: Hurricane Sandy Aftermath Day 2
Pat Dollard: Obama’s Inaugural Pastor Declares All White People Going To Hell, Every Good “Nigger” Will Vote For Obama
GayPatriot: Obama Bestowed Presidential Medal Of Freedom On Pastor Who Says Whites Are Going To Hell
American Power: A Brutal Polling Day? Not For Mitt Romney
Wizbang: The 538 Magic-Bullshit-Spewing Machine Takes Google Surveys Seriously
Allahpundit: Karl Rove Predicts Romney 51-48
Special Operations Speaks: Facebook Censors The SEALS
Power Line: The Facebook Spike
Scared Monkeys: Joe Biden Talking About A 2016 Presidential Run
Legal Insurrection: Piling On Chris Christie Is Not Productive Right Now
Rush Limbaugh: Chris Christie Plays Role Of Greek Column For Obama Campaign
Atlas Shrugs: Classified Cable Warned Consulate Couldn’t Withstand Coordinated Attack
Jennifer Rubin: Obama’s Libya Stonewall Isn’t Working
Power Line: You Can’t Go Home Again
Jamie Weinstein: At Alan Grayson’s Hollywood Fundraiser, Rape Jokes Abound
Gateway Pundit: Landslide Watch – Obama In Free-Fall In Michigan, Indie Support Collapsing Too
Via Meadia: Hurricane Sandy And The Perils Of Nanny State Governance
Lonely Conservative: DOE Loans Used To Help Harry Reid In Nevada
Protein Wisdom: Plausible?


2 Responses to “LIVE AT FIVESIX: 11.01.12”

  1. pa
    November 1st, 2012 @ 9:38 am

    How is Dan Riehl doing? Please give us an update.

  2. Wombat_socho
    November 1st, 2012 @ 10:25 am

    I haven’t heard. Hopefully Smitty can supply an update later.
