The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Army Update: Good News, Bad News

Today, I received a letter from Recruit McCain, who reports that he tied for first in his platoon in marksmanship scores and, in a surprise phone call, he also reported that he got to throw a live hand grenade in training today. His physical fitness score is now 250, with 300 being perfect. Recruit McCain further […]

Bill Schmalfeldt Praises Kimberlin for ‘Social Justice,’ Then Deletes Tweet

Today there was a peace order hearing in Maryland in the matter of Bill Schmalfeldt v. John Hoge, which Aaron Walker describes briefly, with the interesting news that Brett Kimberlin showed up for the hearing. Schmalfeldt gushed on Twitter that the “high point” of his day was meeting Kimberlin: “I don’t care what he did in the past. […]

What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make Whose Idea The Sequester Was?

by Smitty Oh, the high-minded tones of the apologists, e.g. Mataconis: Therefore, President Obama is incorrect to attempt to place sole responsibility for the sequester on the Republicans. At the same time, though, it’s true that the negotiations that led to the sequester would not have been necessary if Republicans had not insisted in the […]

Shorter Wonkette: Butt-Sex Jokes Are Only Funny When Liberals Tell Them

“The daughter of liberal academics from Lincoln, Neb., Ms. Cox moved to Washington from New York in May 2000 with her husband, Chris Lehmann, an editor at The Washington Post Book World. She was writing her own satirical blog,, after bouncing from editing jobs at The Chronicle of Higher Education, America Online and National […]

Miserable Joke Of A Senate That Can’t Pass A Budget Can Pass A Tax Increase

by Smitty The U.S. Chamber of Commerce strongly opposes the motion to proceed to S. 388, the “American Family Economic Protection Act.” This legislation would fail to address the federal government’s spending problems and would, instead, replace spending cuts with tax increases. The Chamber has long stated that the sequester is bad public policy and […]

The Sexualization of Journalism

Marin Cogan complains in The New Republic that some people don’t know where to draw the line: As a political reporter for GQ, I’ve been jokingly asked whether I ever posed for the magazine and loudly called a porn star by a senior think-tank fellow at his institute’s annual gala. In my prior job as […]

Narrative Control: Woodward Gets a Warning from Gene Sperling

“Woodward, I think, leans to the left, but he is unafraid to call out the President of the United States when he’s lied to.” — Stephen Dethrage, University of Alabama Obama has been lying about the sequester, and when famed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward blew the whistle, this made Woodward the demonized enemy. Anyone […]

Preach It, Sessions

by Smitty What should Republicans be saying, more or less daily? Things like this: During my remarks today I have exhaustively documented the case against the confirmation of Mr. Lew. I have detailed his disastrous budget plans, rebuked by editorial boards across the country and unanimously rejected by Congress. I have discussed his repeated, knowing, […]

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