The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ratings-Killer @Soledad_OBrien Fired by Obscure Third-Place Cable News Network

Soledad O’Brien: Nielsen needed a microscope to measure her audience America’s Least Popular Cable-News Personality™ has joined the growing ranks of the nation’s unemployed, and you’ll excuse me for being so late to blog about it, but it took a while before I could stop dancing long enough to sit down and type. Inside sources at […]

Jesse Jackson Jr. and Wife in Court Today

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has the bulletin: Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. is scheduled to appear in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia at 10:30 a.m. . . . Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. Sandra Stevens Jackson is scheduled to appear at the same courthouse at 2:30 p.m. . . . Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. […]

Enforcing the Liberal Media Omerta

The other day, Jim Vandehei and Mike Allen of Politico published a long story about the dysfunctional relationship between the Obama administration and the White House press corps, saying that the lack of access and deliberate manipulation were making it difficult for reporters to do their jobs. A basic rule of life: If you volunteer to be […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.20.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Two Missing, Fourteen Hurt In KC Gas Blast Foul play not suspected in explosion at restaurant Parties Begin Blame Game As Sequester Nears Obama trying desperately to avert blame for what he asked for Hollande Visits Greece To Show Support Encourages French companies to invest POLITICS Pregnant Teen Wins […]

Kooky Tuesday Continues: Is Social Media Breeding Monsters? Oh, Hell, Yes!

Having begun the day with a post about deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt, followed up with a post about a maniac professor at Columbia University, and then added a discussion of the (allegedly) felonious kook Barrett Brown, let’s stick with the theme, eh? In a post at’s new group-blog thingie, Mandy Nagy asks “Is Social […]

‘The Kook Who Knew Too Much’: Heroic Fantasy, Paranoia and Barrett Brown

Sept. 12: Barrett Brown rants on YouTube about his plan to ‘destroy’ an FBI agent Ever since former “Anonymous” spokesman Barrett Brown freaked out on video and got himself arrested, various kooks have floated conspiracy theories to explain Brown’s arrest in terms of the paranoid delusion that Brown was an “enemy of the state” who got too close to the hidden […]

Of Course It’s Not A Single Dime: It’s Trillions If Dimes

by Smitty President Obama’s humor is so subtle as to be unknown. But he’s kind of a funny guy, if you approach his schtick with a certain diabolical, bloody-minded literalness: AFP has a spending accountability project that is interesting. I wonder, though, if we’re not focusing too much on symptoms, and not the disease here. […]

Lunatic Asylum Overcrowded? There’s Always Room at Columbia University

Jennifer Kabbany reports on a typical Ivy League professor: A science professor at Columbia University on Monday began a quantum mechanics lecture by stripping into his boxers and eating a banana while rap music played in the background. Then it got weird. The professor, Emlyn Hughes, proceeded to redress himself in black, complete with sunglasses, […]

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