The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bostic Campaign ‘Surging’ Before Runoff?

Volunteers at Curtis Bostic campaign headquarters make phone calls Friday CHARLESTON, S.C. What a way to celebrate Easter Sunday — out on the campaign trail. Well, it’s better than a Cesar Chavez tribute, I suppose. The fact that the 1st District runoff will occur on the Tuesday after Easter adds an extra element of uncertainty […]

FMJRA 2.0: No Bicycles

— compiled by Wombat-socho The 1% Progressive Bloggers Club and the Bourgeois Dialectic of Comrade Yglesias The Camp of the Saints A View From The Beach The Camp of the Saints First Street Journal American Glob Daily Pundit Ed Driscoll The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Why John Avlon Hates Sarah Palin AmSpecBlog Daily Pundit […]

Obama Hasn’t ‘Evolved’ That Far … Yet

Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services requested public comment on a proposal to provide taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery, but scrubbed the proposal off their Web site as soon as it was reported by news agencies. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air understands the Obama-logic: Congress has been arguing over how to limit the current Medicare/Medicaid […]

Mayor Bloomberg’s Sexy Teen App

New Yorkers are so sophisticated, aren’t they? The Bloomberg administration has launched an app intended to reduce teen pregnancy called “Teens in NYC Protection+” that provides a wealth of health data for kids who are — or are thinking about becoming — sexually active, The Post has learned. Information about everything from free clinics for […]

World’s Youngest Blogger:
The Cuteman Cometh

Will Folks: ‘My Sacred Honor Requires Me to Endorse DCCC Fundraising Poster Boy’

CHARLESTON, S.C. Surely everyone remembers how the gallant gentleman Will Folks tried to derail Gov. Nikki Haley’s campaign by asserting that “his sacred honor” required him to claim that he had a sexual affair with her when he worked as a political consultant to her. And now Folks, whose career in South Carolina politics included a […]

#SC01 UPDATE: Mark Sanford Cites His Vote for DOMA in Local TV Roundtable

Campaign signs outside Thursday’s debate venue CHARLESTON, S.C. Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford cited his vote for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) during a TV appearance with Republican rival Curtis Bostic, three days before their runoff in the 1st District special congressional election. Appearing in a televised half-hour debate Saturday morning on Charleston […]

Why Did Those Racist Crackers at CNN Keep Roland Martin From Being a Star?

Just by way of historical context, let’s remember that CNN was a trailblazer in this regard, making Bernard Shaw their primetime news anchor back in 1980. Keep that in mind in appraising the sour grapes rationalization by axed commentator Roland Martin: Roland Martin on Thursday blamed racism for his inability to get his own show  at CNN. “You have largely […]

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