The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Local PFLAG: ‘The Cry of Discrimination …Does Not Seem to Apply’ in Hunt Case

Feb. 16 mug shot of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt The local chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) refuses to support accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt: PFLAG of Vero Beach has received questions and comments regarding the controvery involving the two young ladies in Sebastian. We have been watching […]

The #FreeKate Meltdown Continues

Got some important work to do today, so there’s only time for a bit of quick aggregation right now. R.J. Reidhead continues to be disturbed and fascinated by what she sees as indicators that Kaitlyn Smith is a victim of something worse than homophobia. Jeff Goldstein sarcastically invokes the Ghost of Victims Past. Is sarcasm […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 05.31.13

– compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS After Introduction Of Vocabulary Test, Spelling Bee Gets A Champion Arvind Mahankali of New York takes the cup this year; finished third last year Arizona Mother Jailed In Mexico Released Accused of drug smuggling, Mormon mom free after Mexican cops fail to get bribe More Tornadoes Hit Oklahoma Nine […]

Hiroshima for #FreeKate? Younger Sister Praises Her Mother as ‘F–king Badass’

Honestly, I had to think a while about this one: Is it fair? People have been throwing stuff at me on Twitter so fast I can barely keep up with it all. On Tuesday, the “Free Kate” controversy was actually addressed by Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: “What we have here […]

New Defense by #FreeKate Defender: ‘But It Would Be Perfectly Legal in Canada!’

She’s OK with jailbait sex in school toilet stalls, but @monwithmac just told US that it’s #TimeToGetRational ->… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) May 30, 2013 Having previously discussed the role of Liberal Logic™ in justifying the actions of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt, it’s time to expand a bit further on their […]

Can You Count All the Rationalizations and Lies Offered by Kaitlyn Hunt’s Mom?

The Kaitlyn Hunt sex crime case was featured on NBC’s ‘Today’ show, May 23 Below, you will find the full text of a 1,500-word appeal by Kelley Hunt Smith, mother of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt. This is the original May 17 Facebook message that started the “Free Kate” firestorm. I’d seen it quoted […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 05.30.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS In Calling It Quits, Bachmann Calls Her Future “Limitless” Announcement stuns supporters and detractors SSG Bales To Plead Guilty In Afghan Killings Plea deal with military prosecutors to avoid death penalty Syrian Loyalists Take Airbase Near Qusair One of several setbacks deal to the rebel forces POLITICS Obama To […]

Quite Possibly the Most Eloquent Sentence of My Entire Journalism Career

Twenty-seven years is a long time, and maybe I’ve forgotten a few good ones, but it would be hard to say I’ve ever done much better than this: “To say that liberal media coverage of Hunt has been ‘favorable’ is to say that the Sistine Chapel ceiling depicts a favorable image of God.” And that’s […]

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