The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Taylor Swift, We Hardly Knew Ye

— compiled by Wombat-socho It is beyond question that the Westboro “Baptist” “Church”, is perhaps the most successful band of trolls to walk the earth since Frank Zappa (God rest him) shuffled off this mortal coil. Still, as disgusting a collection of para-human filth as they are, up to this point they’ve had a certain […]

When #CrackerQuotes Get Tuneful

by Smitty After Rachel Jeantel’s “creepy ass cracker” went legendary, Twitter swung into action. For reasons that refuse to make sense, like some of the Zimmerman trial testimony, this blogger felt the need to work ‘cracker’ into rock lyrics: Some Tangled up in Blue: #CrackerQuotes Was in the pack when we first met Soon therefrom divorced Spread a […]

Evanescent Youth, Predatory Persistence

“Now there is what appears to be a concerted effort to lower, or even obliterate, the age of consent; but I suspect the culprits engaged therein are less interested in long-term relationships — children eventually grow up, after all — than in simply getting their hands into some poor kid’s Garanimals.” — Charles G. Hill, […]

FMJRA 2.0: Diamonds And Rust

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Face of Cowardice: Theresa May Ed Driscoll Preppers Universe The Camp of the Saints Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots What Bubba Knows Zion’s Trumpet 90 Miles From Tyranny EBL Rick’s Rants Ben Smith Wants You to Ignore This Da Tech Guy EBL Da Tech Guy Ed Driscoll DaleyGator The Rio […]

Taylor Swift: A Fornicating Whore?

For years, Westboro Baptist Church has been accused of homophobic hatred because of their infamous “God Hates Fags” protests. Finally, they’ve decided to get serious about heterosexual sin: Yes, that’s right: THE WHORISH FACE OF DOOMED AMERICA, the pop-country star formerly known as Taylor Swift, has been guilty of “hopping from one young man to […]

Worst. Cartoon. Vagina. EVER.

Here’s the headline: Cartoon Vagina Fights ‘Cultural Stigma’ of Masturbation And I know your first question: “Is this NSFW?” It’s probably OK, unless you start laughing so hard that Diet Pepsi comes out of your nose and gets all over your computer screen. Your second question: “Stacy, how did you find that weird thing?” Well, […]

Journalism Errors and Character Flaws

It would appear that George Stark, a Hollywood-based reporter for the British Daily Mail, was mistaken when he reported that Alec Baldwin’s wife was Tweeting while attending the New York funeral of actor James Gandolfini. The three-hour time differential between the Eastern and Pacific time zones (and let’s face it, George Stark’s stupidity) caused the […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 06.28.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Immigration Reform Bill DOA In House “The House is not going to take up and vote on whatever the Senate passes.” DOJ Targets Retired General In Leak Probe Only leaks that make The Lightworker look like he has cojones are allowed! Ecuador Renounces US Trade Benefits Communications Minister Alvarez […]

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