Joan Walsh Thinks It’s All About Her
“Bitter partisanship has left this woman a hulking, steaming pile of radioactive filth. She just hates. No amount of Obama/Democrat failure will shake her from what is, for all intents and purposes, a psychotic obsession with the ‘evil’ right.” — Donald Douglas, American Power Sometimes it’s just your turn as scapegoat, and the best you […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 10.25.13
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Contractors Expect Work Of Fixing Healthcare.Gov To Take Weeks Up to five MILLION lines of code may have to be rewritten for site to work properly Will “tech surge” throw good money after bad? Euros Furious Over NSA Snooping France, Germany call for talks How Serious Is The US/Saudi […]
Bill Schmalfeldt’s Dishonest Denials (and Where the Trail of Evidence Leads)
“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. . . . He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that […]
Sexual Savagery and the New Abnormal
Where did this sudden tsunami of sexual perversion come from? Months of dealing with the “Free Kate” freak show has opened my eyes to how pervasive the “Desire Is Destiny” concept has become: Whatever kinky weirdness you want is now defended as a “right,” and anyone who criticizes deviance is denounced for “hate” and “bigotry.” […]
News of Brett Kimberlin’s RICO Suit Reaches a Certain Bunker in Berlin
This was posted at John Hoge’s Hogewash blog and I don’t know who deserves credit for the production, but it is an excellent summary of the fundamental strategic error in Brett Kimberlin’s latest lawfare: By the way, announced yesterday it met its first fundraising goal of $2,000 to assist the five defendants in the […]
Media Can’t Spin ObamaCare ‘Debacle’
You know it’s a complete botch when even the Democrat-Media Complex — NBC, ABC, CBS — can’t ignore the failure: (Hat-tip: Donald Douglas at American Power.)
Michigan Teachers Sue Corrupt Union
The dishonest racket known as the Michigan Education Association (MEA) resorts to brass-knuckle extortion methods: Michigan teachers are discovering that their union is determined to make it as hard as possible for them to take advantage of the state’s new right-to-work law, which prohibits workers from being forced to pay dues to a union. . […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 10.24.13
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS White House Steps Up Damage Control On Obamacare Rollout GOP increases the pressure to delay parts of PPACA Chancellor Merkel’s Phone Frustration May Complicate US Relations Carney denies everything, of course. Jury Finds Bank Of America Liable For Countrywide Mortgage Fraud Caused millions in losses at Fannie Mae, Freddie […]
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