Pro-Pedophile Author: ‘How Dare You Call Me a Pro-Pedophile Author?!’
James Kincaid is a University of Southern California professor emeritus who is the author of Child-Loving: The Erotic Child and Victorian Culture (1992) and Erotic Innocence: The Culture of Child Molesting (1998). When it was announced he would speak in Toronto at an academic conference with the creepy title “Bodies at Play: Sexuality, Childhood and […]
BREAKING: Maryland Appeals Court Denies Certiorari for Schmalfeldt Appeal
In a long list of cases dismissed without comment we find this news: “Schmalfeldt v. Hoge — Pet. Docket No. 320.” Will update with commentary, and expected rage reaction from the deranged cyberstalker. Two words, Bill: “Res judicata.” UPDATE: John Hoge briefly acknowledges his victory. He has previously noted how Bill Schmalfeldt refers to the […]
In The Mailbox: 10.21.13
— compiled by Wombat-socho Live At Five is going to be on hiatus for a few days, since my daughter is visiting from the Left Coast and the Dad Taxi has been pressed into service, which makes the usual blogging choice between getting up at 0300 or staying up until midnight the previous night to […]
The World’s Worst Pro Se Litigant™ Gets the Complete @Popehat Treatment
“I’m going to sue this episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo because it upset me.” — Ken White, Bloggers keep asking me how to get sued by Brett Kimberlin, and I urge everyone to hurry now: If you don’t immediately join the “conspiracy” to “defame” the convicted perjuring bomber, the dishonest creep may […]
Finally, Obama Creates Jobs — Hiring People to Fix Busted ObamaCare Site!
They spent $400 million to launch the stupid thing, and now they’re hiring contractors in a desperate attempt to make it work. And by “work,” of course, I mean, destroy our economy. Obama's Message to America: "Are you people stupid, or what?" HEH! @Hav99 @tate_wes @philipaklein — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 21, 2013 […]
Neal Rauhauser Uses @CatsRImportant to Discuss a Certain Address in Maryland
Having previously explained how Brett Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser took over Melissa Brewer’s @catsrimportant Twitter account, now let’s show you what Neal has been doing with that account: As I have previously explained, I haven’t lived in Maryland for more than a year, for well-known reasons. May 22, 2012: Convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin on [May […]
Neal Rauhauser Uses @CatsRImportant to Spread His Evil Lies as ‘Hard Candy’
Neal Rauhauser at Netroots Nation 2010. “The Mexican Mafia sought and received payments from gangs in Orange County in exchange for freely committing crimes . . . Those who refused were put on lists that often resulted in violent retribution. “Even those who appeared to have significant roles in the gang found themselves in trouble. […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Rubycon
— compiled by Wombat-socho YankeePhil opens this week’s Rule 5 post with Sarah Palin – real, Photoshopped, and Tina Fey versions. Also, different views of nursing and Halloween Safety Tips. Randy’s Roundtable follows with Sandra Brec, Fishersville MIke with good news for Kaley Cuoco, and Laughing Conservative with Candice Swanepoel in her natural environment. Animal […]
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