The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Federal Judge Issues Devastating Opinion in Brett Kimberlin Copyright Case

Aaron Walker discusses this at his blog, but the order itself is delightful reading in its own right, particularly when the judge recites the numerous federal cases Brett Kimberlin has filed previously: Memo Opinion   What’s the Latin phrase for “pimp slap”?  

The Feminist Fringe

Photoset: darksilenceinsuburbia: Jonathan Auch. Slutwalk | NYC On October 1st 3,000 – 4,000 people gathered… — Robin (@msanimegirl13) February 22, 2014 As mentioned previously, I’ve been re-reading Susan Brownmiller’s feminist memoir In Our Time, and what stands out — if one reads with an informed and critical eye — is how Women’s Liberation (a/k/a “Second Wave” feminism) […]

Kimberlin Attacks @AceOfSpadesHQ’s Lawyer, Cites ‘Breitbart Unmasked’

As a specimen of shamelessness, Brett Kimberlin has few equals in human history. The experience of being sued by Kimberlin offers a front-row seat to witness how utterly arrogant he is — as impudent as a four-year-old throwing a tantrum, lacking any regard for the rights of others, and with no sense of shame over […]

‘Fairness’ and Feminism

Just to refresh my memory, I’ve spent the past few days re-reading Susan Brownmiller’s feminist memoir In Our Time. You have to be a hard-boiled, strong-minded conservative not to be outraged by Brownmiller’s account of the extreme workplace inequality that once typified her own field, journalism. And the implicit assumption — this is one of […]

In The Mailbox, 02.28.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: Gay “Jim Crow” In Waiting? Batshit Crazy News: Barrett Brown Gets “House Of Cards” Nod? The Looking Spoon: Imagine All The Sheeple Blackmailers Don’t Shoot: Jeremy Clarkson Is Awesome First Street Journal: The Commander In Chief And The Minimum Wage Michelle Malkin: Alec Baldwin, Drama Queen […]

Ace Spanks Weigel

Spanks him hard over his defense of Alex Sink. Here’s the question: Why is it so important to be fair to Alex Sink? Oh, because Alex Sink is a Democrat. The media must be fair to Democrats. The media must never assist Republicans in “swiftboating” Democrats. Alex Sink made a gaffe — a clear, obvious gaffe […]

And Satan Said, ‘Abra Cadaver’, And Lo: Harry Reid Did Clutter The Senate

by Smitty Poor, poor, pitiful Reid. So tired sounding; so burned out by the ongoing effort to do what he thinks is proper, in the face of the Koch machine: God save us from the endless stream of lies that Harry Reid embodies. Truly, the GOP can retake the Senate merely by playing Harry Reid […]

Arguing With Psychotics

How are we supposed to have meaningful discussions of politics and policy, when Democrats are devoted to promoting paranoia? Study: Global Warming Will Cause 180,000 More Rapes by 2099 … Using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s warming projections, Ranson calculated that from 2010 to 2099, climate change will “cause” an additional “22,000 murders, 180,000 […]

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