The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Mirage of Integration

It was Dick Gregory, I believe, who defined “integration” as the period of time between when the first black family moves into a neighborhood and the last white family moves out. The recent report that New York City’s schools are the most segregated in the country might be seen as confirmation of that cynical jest. […]

Florida Girls Pimped Out at 14

Story Number One: The Lake County Sheriff’s Office arrested 44 people in a prostitution sting that led them to a 14-year-old girl who deputies said was being sold for sex. Investigators said Gregory Foster showed up to the sting with a 14-year-old girl he had kidnapped from Orange County. Detectives said Foster and the girl […]

California’s #RapeCulture: Monster Gets Early Prison Release, Kidnaps Girl, 16

This is what happens when you elect Democrats: A man on probation as a “non-violent offender” under California’s prison realignment program has been charged with kidnapping, raping, and torturing a 16-year-old girl in South Los Angeles, and detectives suspect he may be connected to three other recent murders. Robert L. Ranson, 30, was arrested in […]

FMJRA 2.0: Shout

— compiled by Wombat-socho RadFems vs. Trannies: Will Feminists Let ‘Gender Queers’ Boss Them Around? Rotten Chestnuts Lonely Conservative Regular Right Guy Countenance Blog Batshit Crazy News Dyspepsia Generation The Revision Division Shocking: Brandeis Feminist Faculty Led Petition Against Ayaan Hirsi Ali Batshit Crazy News South Carolina Liberty Fire Andrea Mitchell Regular Right Guy Palo […]

Lawyer for ‘Patriarchy’ Pervert Says Accuser ‘Is Just After a Paycheck’

Doug Phillips and his wife Beall (left); Lourdes Torres (right) The Doug Phillips sex scandal has reached a new low, now that the disgraced homeschooling leader and “biblical patriarchy” advocate has unleashed his lawyer to smear Phillips’ accuser Lourdes Torres-Manteufel as a dishonest money-grubber: Long time home schooling leader and former Boerne church official Doug […]

Cherokee Princess Fauxcohantas

In her new book, Elizabeth Warren blames the controversy over her fake Cherokee ancestry on “some blogger,” and since William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection was particularly merciless in exposing her lies, he’s giving credit where credit is due: In fact, Warren has no one to blame but herself for her false claim to be Cherokee. Read […]

Hollywood Pedophilia Scandal: Did Democrats Know About Gay Donors?

After Thursday’s report about director Bryan Singer, I got an e-mail tip from a reader that led to this American Spectator article: Allegations that a film director raped a teenage boy could impact fundraising for Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, whose close ties to Hollywood’s gay community are potentially implicated in the scandal. Bryan Singer, the […]

Self-Awareness, @AmandaMarcotte? Irony? Some Logical Coherence, Perhaps?

Amanda Marcotte is one of the most wicked people in America today. Her bloodthirsty enthusiasm for abortion is such that she does not hesitate to imagine aborting her own hypothetical offspring: “I don’t want a baby. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . . This is why, if my birth […]

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