The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Arianna Huffington’s Lesbian Daughter Recovers From Cocaine Habit

A couple years ago, Christina Huffington was hospitalized with respiratory problems after she went on a cocaine binge at Yale. She’d been addicted to coke since she was 16. She was also bulimic. Now everything is OK, because she’s 24 years old and has a job as an editor at — you’ll never guess — […]

British Jury Acquits Lesbian, 40, Who Had Drunk Sex With Girl, 15

The legal age of consent in England is 16, and if you tell a jury you didn’t know your partner’s age, you may go scot-free: A female radio DJ who had sex with a 15-year-old girl after plying her with vodka has walked free from court because she did not know the teenager’s real age. […]

Police: Alabama Mom Killed Her Son’s Gay Boyfriend; Not Hate Crime

She reportedly believed the boyfriend was abusive: An Alabama woman faces murder charges in the alleged shooting of her son’s boyfriend. Anita T. Hill, 51, has reportedly bonded out of the Tuscaloosa County Jail after being charged with the murder of 36-year-old Jamie R. Johnson, according to local news outlet WBRC. Investigators say Hill’s son, 30, and Johnson were involved in […]

Shocking: Brandeis Feminist Faculty Led Petition Against Aayan Hirsi Ali

The wretched cowardice of Brandeis University in rescinding an honorary degree for human rights activist Aayan Hirsi Ali surprised a lot of people. A victim of female genital mutilation (FGM), Ali was the target of terroristic threats in the Netherlands for speaking out against Islamic oppression of women. The question was asked, “Where’s the feminist […]

As Failed Suicide Attempts Go …

. . . this was a particularly weird failure: A rapper affiliated with Wu-Tang Clan was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday after he cut off his penis and then jumped off a second story balcony in what police believe was a suicide attempt … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. Our sources say … cops […]

Gay Movie Director Drugged, Raped Teenage Boy in 1999, Lawsuit Alleges

Bryan Singer, the openly gay film director best known for X-Men movies, has been accused of molesting a teenage male model in 1999. The lawsuit is described by the Hollywood Reporter: Bryan Singer, director, producer and writer of more than two dozen productions including the X-Men films, was accused Wednesday in a federal lawsuit of […]

In The Mailbox, 04.17.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM First Street Journal: The Professional Media Are Trying To Normalize Transsexualism Aewl’s Abode: Fifth-Grader Brings Airsoft Gun To School, Panic Ensues – Wait…Nope. Michelle Malkin: Debunking The Blame Righty Propagandists – Again Doug Powers: It’s Official – Philanthronanny Michael Bloomberg Announces He’s Bought His Way Into Heaven Twitchy: […]

IRS Scandal: Smoking Gun?

Using the tax agency to criminalize conservatives? Judicial Watch today released a new batch of internal IRS documents revealing that former IRS official Lois Lerner communicated with the Department of Justice (DOJ) about whether it was possible to criminally prosecute certain tax-exempt entities. The documents were obtained as a result of an October 2013 Judicial Watch Freedom […]

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