The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Shinseki Resigned? This Changes Everything!

— Wombat-socho So Eric Shinseki resigned yesterday as Veterans Affairs Secretary and is going to be replaced by Acting Secretary Sloan Gibson. And lo, all over Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the Intertubes there was much rejoicing, for Something Had Been Done. Now there’s a lot of discussion over who’s going to be Shinseki’s […]

#RLC2014 Straw Poll Results: @TedCruz

by Smitty Conservative Intel sponsored the poll. I’m optimistic because we’re seeing a grassroots tsunami rise up to #MakeDCListen: #RLC2014 — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 31, 2014 And Senator Ted Cruz is the winner! Further results: 1. Ted Cruz — 30.33 percent 2. Ben Carson — 29.38 percent 3. Rand Paul — 10.43 […]

FMJRA 2.0: Sirius

— compiled by Wombat-socho Toward Anarchy and Oblivion The DaleyGator All Along The Watchtower Our Tyrannical Government Nebraska Energy Observer DKMI Blogg Batshit Crazy News The Lonely Conservative Portrait of a Killer: Elliot Rodger Claimed in Video to Be ‘Supreme Gentleman’ Batshit Crazy News First Street Journal Regular Right Guy Extrano’s Alley The Fog Of […]

#RLC2014 N’Awlins, Y’all

NEW ORLEANS After a busy first day at the Republican Leadership Conference, we headed to Daisy Dukes on Chartres Street for a midnight breakfast. Yesterday, Sarah Palin was a surprise speaker here at the Republican Leadership Conference, introducing Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson, who made news: In a speech he delivered Thursday, Robertson did just […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 05.30.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Pro-Russian Rebels Down Army Helicopter, Fourteen Killed One general, thirteen other soldiers killed; rebel leader in Donetsk admits some fighters were Russians National Spelling Bee Ends In Tie Boys from New York, Texas split title after five deadlocked rounds NSA Releases Snowden E-mails Refutes traitor’s claimed whistleblowing attempts POLITICS […]

#RLC2014 Cooking With Gas!

NEW ORLEANS The Republican Leadership Conference begins this evening with speeches scheduled by GOP chairman Reince Priebus and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and the air is thick with excitement. Or maybe the air is thick with humidity, which seems to be somewhere between 99 and 100 percent today. Periodic showers are actually a relief from […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 05.29.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS El-Sisi Sweeps To Victory In Egyptian Presidential Vote Takes 93% of the vote, but turnout only 44% of electorate Obama Signals Reset In US Foreign Policy Urges against “military adventures” in West Point speech Inspector General’s Scathing Report Brings Bipartisan Calls For Shinseki To Resign Democratic Senators Franken and […]

#RLC2014 Ready to Rock

NEW ORLEANS We left Atlanta about 4 p.m. Tuesday, but the legendarily gridlocked city traffic hindered us only slightly as we made our way down I-85 and soon we were on our way toward Montgomery. We stopped for dinner at a Mexican restaurant near the Alabama capital. By dinnertime yesterday, the story that I was […]

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