The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nina Burleigh: #WomenAgainstFeminism Is for ‘Pedophiles … Dirty Old Men’ UPDATE: ‘Perverted Rightwing Spite’

@NinaBurleigh publishes an absolutely disgusting libel: Women Against Feminism had, last time I checked, 16,013 followers on Facebook. Its tumblr is constructed of selfies of young women, dressed and posed like ads for DIY escort services, holding up bits of notebook paper on which they’ve scrawled screeds against feminism. . . . Everything about Women […]

Headline of the Day

Courtesy of @KatherineMiller at BuzzFeed: We Never Tried To Impeach Bush, Says Democratic Lawmaker Who Co-Sponsored Bush Impeachment Bill Remember: It is Democrats who are currently raising millions of dollars through fearmongering e-mail appeals that accuse Republicans of planning to impeach President Obama. And in June 2008, Dennis Kucinich introduced articles of impeachment against President […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 07.31.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS IDF Hits UN School, Market; Palestinian Death Toll Hits 1361 IDF opens fire after taking mortar fire from school grounds Israel calls up another 16,000 reservists Turkish PM Erdogan: Israelis surpass Nazi barbarism Arab leaders, seeing Hamas as worse than Israel, remain silent Liberia Closes Schools As Ebola Spreads […]

Millionaire Transsexual Bankrolls PAC for Son’s Florida Democrat Campaign

Martine Rothblatt (left); Gabriel Rothblatt (right). Next time Democrats claim that Republicans are “the party of the rich” or complain about millionaires using PACs to funnel big money into politics, just mention this weird story about the Democrat candidate for Congress in Florida’s 8th District: A congressional candidate in Florida is getting a boost from […]

Stuff You Can’t Make Up

From Beca Grimm (@becagrimm): I fertilized some lettuce I grew with my period blood for @VICE then made/ate a salad: — dj crumple chin (@becagrimm) July 30, 2014 Have I ever mentioned my insanely obsessive curiosity? When something catches my attention, it is my habit to research the topic within an inch of its […]

A Thank-You Note

— by Wombat-socho This has been an exciting month for me, what with the launch of The Last Falangist and all, and I would like to thank everyone who read Stacy’s excellent review and plunked down their $1.99. Forty of you did so, and another couple of folks borrowed it, some of you even posted […]

It’s a Man’s (Virtual) World, Baby

Before starting this discussion, permit me to point out that no entrepreneur in conservative online media has been more successful than Michelle Malkin, who launched two digital start-ups — and — and subsequently sold these Internet properties to Salem Communications for sums rumored to be seven figures each. The knowledge that this woman’s phenomenal […]

Nice Reputation, Jesse

Ace of Spades calls Jesse Ventura a “conspiracy-addled asshole” and he could have added “selfish,” “dishonest” and “vindictive” to that description without fear of being sued for defamation. The reaction to Ventura’s suing a Navy SEAL’s widow for $1.8 million is ironic: Ventura claimed that his reputation was harmed by Chris Kyle’s book; yet Ventura […]

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