The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Labor Day Weekend Lovelies

— compiled by Wombat-socho Three Beers Later returns, this time in the leadoff spot, with Rule 5 – The Dirty Side, and Daytime TV Porn. Next up, Goodstuff with Kari Byron and other attractive ladies, Ninety Miles from Tyranny with Blue-Eyed Blonde Beauty, Hot Pick of the Late Night, and Girls with Bows. Animal Magnetism […]

Memo From the Thought Police

Years ago, an episode of Seinfeld showed a stand-up sequence in which Jerry Seinfeld discussed catcalling, including one common variation seen in New York City, the “car honk.” A man in a car is sitting at a red light, a good-looking woman crosses the street in the crosswalk ahead of him, and the guy starts […]

FMJRA 2.0: Out Standing In Her Field

— compiled by Wombat-socho Normally the FMJRA post is just a compilation of links back to those who have linked The Other McCain in the preceding week (Saturday through Friday) but this week I wanted to call attention to one of our more prolific linkers, someone who has thrown literally dozens of links our way […]

Will Brett Kimberlin Ever Learn?

Dave Weigel has finally published his account of the Kimberlin v. Walker trial, and it’s amazing that it ends with this: “These guys are going to come out today and say I’m a pedophile,” said Kimberlin. “And tomorrow, I can file another lawsuit against them. And now I know what I need to do. It’s […]

Feminists Courageously Defending Their Right to Another Red Solo Cup

Having long ago noted the connection between (a) college girls getting drunk and (b) college girls getting raped, I knew that the “campus rape epidemic” hysteria would ultimately compel feminists to defend the right of underage girls to get completely blitzed: The former president of George Washington University had some practical advice for college women […]

Thank You, Professor Kitzinger!

“[R]adical feminism offers a theory central to which is an analysis of lesbianism and heterosexuality as political institutions and a rejection of personalized interpretations. . . . “Central to radical feminism is the belief that the patriarchy (not capitalism or sex roles or socialization or individual sexist men) is the root of all forms of […]

Homelessness: Myth and Menace

Years ago, the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping case brought attention to a fact of which social scientists have long been aware, but which the high priests of political correctness have attempted to conceal from the public: Homeless people are dangerous. Brian David Mitchell, the perverted self-proclaimed “prophet” who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart, had been a homeless panhandler […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 08.29.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Invasion Obama rules out military response Pro-Moscow rebels say they’ll allow trapped Ukraine forces to withdraw Invasion of Ukraine prompts UN Security Council meeting Poroshenko accuses Russian soldiers of backing rebel attack Fighting In Syria Spawns Civil War In Jihadist Movement Islamic State and Al-Qaeda: […]

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