The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Thanksgiving Tryptophan Coma Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Between the ongoing Sex Trouble slog (which is starting to bear a strong resemblance to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia) and the Crimson Tide’s big comeback in the Iron Bowl Saturday (which is why I posed AJ McCarron’s main squeeze), it may be a while before we hear from Stacy again. Smitty […]

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late And A Dollar Short Thanksgiving Weekend Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Wax Ecstatic Batshit Crazy News Average Bubba Regular Right Guy A View from the Beach Proof Positive Ninety Miles from Tyranny Is Salon Saying That Rep. Paul Ryan Is A Time Traveller? The Pirate’s Cove A View from the Beach Report: Two Black Panther Terrorists Arrested in Ferguson […]

Shout Out To Princess Pelosi

by Smitty Poor Princess Pelosi; once so regal. Now another beagle. To the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot“: I’m a bitter clinger, hear me roar. Once I had power, For now, it’s no more. When I get all Beamed up, Hear me shout! Elections are over Soon they’ll throw me out. I’m a bitter […]

Landrieu Would Do Anything For Love Of A Senate Seat. That, Too. With Gusto.

by Smitty   Full clip: The #FunnyNotFunny thing about Landrieu is that not only are the wages of her political sin going to be death in the runoff next month, but the way she’d so cheerfully promise to prostitute herself and her state in order to stay in office. We can say, “Well, that’s politics” […]

Ferguson Seen As Reverend Al Sharpton’s Racism Industrial Complex Checking In

by Smitty Saint Louis resident Kevin Jackson weighs in: Preach —-> .@Theblacksphere! #Ferguson #tcot #ccot #p2 — Amy Mek (@AmyMek) November 25, 2014 Instapundit offers some further analysis: It’s about the base. And it’s not about the Democratic Party’s base, but about certain leaders’ base within the Democratic Party. This may be best understood […]

Weekend Reading

— by Wombat-socho I am heading off into the Shenandoah Valley this weekend to spend Thanksgiving Day weekend with the family of an old friend, but before I grab my bags and head out into the rain, I need to stuff a few books into my range bag since I’ll be avoiding the Internet this […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 11.26.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS More National Guardsmen Deployed In Ferguson To Head Off Fresh Riots Ferguson mayor blasts Gov. Nixon for delayed deployment Police car set ablaze, arrests made in Ferguson protests Protests continue across the nation VP Biden Reportedly Ticked Off By Obama’s Handling Of Hagel Resignation Flournoy Bows Out Of SecDef […]

Why Ferguson?

Riot police on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. “Fox and CNN viewers witnessed a police car, a car dealership and the local Little Caesar’s Pizza set ablaze, a beauticians’ store looted, a McDonald’s with its windows smashed — and ‘Full circle: Liquor store Michael Brown accused of robbing being looted.’” — Ed Driscoll, Nov. 24, […]

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