The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Hot Times In Houston

— compiled by Wombat-socho It’s hot and wet here in Baytown, but not in a good way, so the best thing to do is stay inside in the air conditioning, work on beating back the ever-rising wave of spam, and in the fullness of time, whip out our weekly tribute to the beauty of the […]

The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Fat Lesbians vs. the ‘Heteronormative Gaze’

Does the “fat acceptance” movement “destabilize the heteronormative gaze”? Can women overcome “gender inequality” by a “radical rejection of beauty as feminine aspiration”? Those possibilities are suggested by two Canadian sociologists in an article, included in a leading Women’s Studies textbook, that compared Dove’s “Real Beauty” advertising campaign to a protest by lesbian activists in […]

Welcome To Texas! Hope You’re Hungry

— by Wombat-socho It’s been almost a year since my recon mission to Las Vegas, during which I reported on In-N-Out Burger and the Heart Attack Grill, and now that I am halfway back to Vegas it’s time for another post on hamburgers. First, I am happy to report that Krystal continues to be the […]

FMJRA 2.0: Water Pump Fails In Houston, Film At 11

— compiled by Wombat-socho Thanks to an untimely failure of the water pump on my 1996 Jeep Cherokee, I am holed up in Baytown (a suburb of Houston) for a few days while the local Jeep dealer does the needful. There will be a burger post and a book post this weekend in addition to […]

Still More Feminist Tumblr

Is every teenage girl with a Tumblr blog mentally ill? “Rebekah, 19, Bi/Pan/Queer . . . abusive father . . . self harm . . . anxiety and depression” has deep thoughts: “So much f–king heteronormativity in this house” Let’s see, what else? Her mother is a racist, and Rebekah frequently applies the word “pathetic” […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty thump thump Four teenage boys were poised to sneak into the old house. Thump Thump They were armed with smartphones to take pictures all the way up to the top floor. THUMP THUMP After their triumphal return, they planned to return the next weekend with girls, and Freddy claimed he knew how to […]

More From Feminist Tumblr

Autumn is a 24-year-old cisgender queer Muslim, who posted this: “Hands up if large groups of aggressively loud white boys in your vicinity freak you out.” To which spyderqueen (“mental health stuff, feminist rantings”) added: “One of the things that bonds women, POC, and LGBTQA+ together: The fear of white men in numbers.” That comment […]

Rape Culture Update

Guarantee no feminist will take notice of this story: A Centreville man has been charged with breaking into a home and inappropriately touching a 6-year-old girl who was sleeping girl inside, Fairfax County police said. Josue Felipe Velasco Santiago, 19, of the 14000 block of Golden Oak Road was arrested May 27 following the incident […]

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