The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.30.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Go Home, Hillary, You’re Drunk Doug Powers: Good Luck – Obama Advising Greece On How To Stave Off Financial Ruin Twitchy: Media Accused Of Ignoring Black Church Fires After Obsessing Over Single CVS Arson; NAACP Speaks Up Jack Kingston: The Sad Truth About King v. Burwell OVER […]

The Feminist Martyrdom Complex: Climbing Up on the Digital Cross

  Laurie Penny (@PennyRed) is a bisexual Marxist with a history of severe mental illness, but other than that, I can’t imagine why her writing would be controversial or attract angry criticism. On the other hand, being a Marxist weirdo also gained the young British blogger a prestigious Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University (the Ivy […]

Curb Your (Sexual) Enthusiasm

In case you haven’t noticed, feminists are (a) trying to increase the number of rape accusations by (b) changing the concept of “consent” in such a way that (c) any unhappiness with a sexual encounter justifies a woman claiming that it was coerced or otherwise less than fully consensual, as part of (d) an obvious […]

In The Mailbox: 06.29.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Da Tech Guy: Scalia – Who Knew Everyone Before Us Were Bigots And Dopes? EBL: Frank Sinatra – Cycles Michelle Malkin: The Media’s Vile Attacks On Conservative Assimilationists Twitchy: Is Oliver Willis Downplaying The Holocaust? RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES American Power: Israel Intercepts Gaza Flotilla American Thinker: What […]

Greece Closes Banks in Crisis

It was first announced that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras debt-ridden left-wing government would close banks Monday, but now they’ve decided the banks will remain closed all week: Greek banks are to remain closed and capital controls will be imposed, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says. Speaking after the European Central Bank (ECB) said it was not […]

Sounds Like A Business Opportunity

by Smitty I agree that isolation of conservatives is an obvious goal for the Left, but Erickson’s worry doesn’t seem such a threat: And now, Apple and Facebook are set to develop news platforms that will have a human curator, instead of a computer algorithm. Twitter, likewise, is engaging humans on trending news topics, etc. […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Force It

— compiled by Wombat-socho I was going to name this week’s post after the classic rock tune by UFO, Only You Can Rock Me, but I was pretty sure I’d done that already. Besides, why not throw more gasoline on the Fake Rape Epidemic fire with a deliberately ambiguous work by the same band? As […]

Chris Squire: No

by Smitty Chris Squire, bassist of Yes, has joined the Band Eternal. Here’s the signature cut of theirs, as far as I’m concerned:

keep looking »