The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | June 19, 2015 | 9 Comments

by Smitty

The last tear, there on the feather. Photograph. Immortalized. Framed. Hung on the wall. You can’t un-happen history, nor do you want the facts to fade. Get stuffed, Santayana: there will be no re-runs of this sorrow.
That emotional prison of abuse? The key of forgiveness has thrown the door open, and you’re now at liberty to go forth and conquer. The dark, evil prison warden who hoped your hatred and humiliation will melt your joy, and turn you into one of them, has lost.
The cycle of cruelty is broken. Life prevails over death. Time to leave this necropolis.

via Darleen


9 Responses to “Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge”

  1. Brian Williams to go to MSNBC: What could go wrong? | Batshit Crazy News
    June 19th, 2015 @ 7:13 am

    […] Smitty and Darleen: Friday Fiction Word Challenge […]

  2. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    June 19th, 2015 @ 8:40 am
  3. Eric Ashley
    June 19th, 2015 @ 9:27 am

    Therapy Bots were allowed to break the fifth wall, the Anti-Solipsism Laws that restrained VR heads to ninety-five percent of believability in the wake of the Sovereign Reality Wars. So Brianna, deena changed to female, but a rather unattractive one ‘came out’ on her show from decades ago as she had wanted to, but had lacked the nerve to do so.

    The VR/drugs combo was good enough that he believed he was in the early TwenOne on Earth, instead of in a cell, deep inside Titan below the vast oil scoops that drew up the raw material for the planet sized balloons that most of Humanity and Post Humanity lived in during the Twenthird.

    He went through several ‘years’ as Brianna, but it was an increasing struggle. Even from the beginning, she had been terribly unattractive as a woman, which had represented her inner conflict between the Tao and her degenerative mutations which affected her thought structure badly.

    Eventually, she could not take it any longer, and asked to be transformed back. The reversal surgery was easy, nanobots have long replaced surgeons and general mds. It took longer to re-introduce her to reality, and even longer to sign the papers from fourty-seven different agencies to allow release of Mr. Brian Williams from Titan Mantle Gender Dysphoria Mental Institution.

    But after a week, all papers were signed, and he was released to go back to his job in Balloon #4128 as a cashier at the West Entrance Taco Bell.

  4. smitty
    June 19th, 2015 @ 4:42 pm

    So bad, on so many levels. Thank you.

  5. Loch Lomond Farms
    June 19th, 2015 @ 5:06 pm

    Guidance had miscalculated; and the pocket universe with its personnel and weaponry formed too far above Earth’s surface.

    While terminal velocity was low, it would still be too much for the rain-sized drop of alternate reality. The thrusters were only designed to handle a few inches. Never had a invasion force survived this great a fall.

    A light breeze buffeted the bubble, tossing it high in the air, playing havoc with navigation, until the bubble landed gently on the one thing that could let it survive, a bit of down in a bird’s nest.

    The invasion could begin.

  6. Southern Air Pirate
    June 19th, 2015 @ 9:42 pm

    Her smile grew bigger and she looked at me, and then said to watch what happens. The drop of her fluid touched the feather and slowly in about fifteen minutes, a brand new eagle grew before my eyes. Doctor Harbin started to jump around and scream at me, “Do you see, Julius! DO YOU SEE WHAT THOSE FOOLS DENIED! WE CAN BRING IT BACK!”

    I started to slowly back away as her screaming and laughing started to get louder. Bring back what I asked myself as I stepped back into the walkway. However, Doctor Shingyan would still hear about it.

  7. Southern Air Pirate
    June 20th, 2015 @ 9:23 am

    Another one to try for

    He stood there looking at the single raindrop on that lone feather. Then from somewhere way back in his mind a memory of school came rushing forward. Metaphysical debates and the philosophy of man sort of things. The happy days of friends, beer, and
    complaints of professors while attending college. Then the idea of how something so delicate could stand here and hold on.

    “Hey Hinton! Get your butt in gear before those Huns find you.
    The skipper wants all his platoon commanders at—“

    At which the whistling of that whiz-bang destroyed the rest of Abernathy’s comment.

  8. #FridayFiction: 100-Word Challenge | “Touch the Raindrop” | Jim-O-Rama
    June 20th, 2015 @ 11:17 am

    […] Fiction picked up this week from Darleen at protein wisdom, BigGator5, Smitty at The Other McCain, and Carrie at […]

  9. Once Again, Barack Identifies America’s Core Problem | Regular Right Guy
    June 20th, 2015 @ 12:03 pm

    […] Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge […]