The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Troll Of The Year So Far Is @Instapundit

by Smitty BERNIE SANDERS ON IMMIGRATION: “Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal. . . . It would make everybody in America poorer —you’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world that believes in that.” It’s not quite a Godwin’s Law violation. […]

A Moderately Gentle Reminder to the Commentariat

— by Wombat-socho Hopefully the flood of racist/white nationalist/Nazi idiots is becoming a trickle now that I’ve blacklisted about two dozen of the scum, but I’m shutting down comments after a couple of days wherever they’ve been pooping -just to be on the safe side and incidentally to frustrate any late-arriving subliterate fools. However, I […]

A Cheap ‘Rape’ Smear on Trump

Let’s begin by saying I’m not a fan of Donald Trump, personally or politically. The first time he spoke at CPAC, Trump made a lot of protectionist noise in regard to China that struck me as both ignorant and irresponsible. Protective tariffs are just bad economics, as every intelligent person has understood since Adam Smith […]

Conference Teaches Iowa Kids About Diversity, Tolerance and Butt Sex

@IowaSafeSchools promotes Democrat Party values for the children. A controversy in Iowa highlights a common tactic of the Gay Left: Engage in outrageous behavior and, when this predictably provokes opposition, claim that the critics are paranoid bigots whose outrage is an expression of irrational prejudice. Thus, criticism of gay activism proves the need for more […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Fightin’ Words

— compiled by Wombat-socho Almost tempted to put this off until tomorrow night after spending a good part of the day squashing white supremacist trolls in the comments, but there’s no reason to penalize the innocent along with the guilty. This week’s appetizer is UFC womens’ bantamweight champ Ronda Rousey, who stirred up some controversy […]

Gang Rapes in Detroit

Feminists are going crazy about a non-existent “campus rape epidemic.” Meanwhile, in the Democrat-run city of Detroit: The search is on for multiple men who are accused of robbing two young couples at gunpoint in Detroit. Police say the men then gang-raped the women while forcing the male victims to watch. The two attacks happened two […]

Once Upon A Time, Her Majesty Paid A Visit To A Village That It Had Taken

by Smitty @MsEBL @charliespiering @vermontaigne @TwitchyTeam @michellemalkin @Lemang01 @instapundit @AceofSpadesHQ @AmPowerBlog — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) July 26, 2015

Notes on Survival Amid the Madness

  We live in an Orwellian dystopia, where the Thought Police constantly monitor our every word for evidence of any tendency we might have to think for ourselves. We are supposed to think only what government school officials teach us to think, and expected to believe whatever the Democrat-controlled entertainment/media industry wants us to believe. […]

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