The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is the ‘Male Feminist’ Cuckold a Hoax?

Of course, somebody called my attention to the New York Magazine story by “Michael Sonmore” (obviously a pseudonym) who uses feminist arguments to rationalize his wife’s adultery in their “open marriage.” I commented briefly on Twitter but wanted to ignore the story because (a) yuck, and (b) I suspect the story is a hoax. Like […]

Feminism: Gender Competition and the War Against Human Nature

Freedom, prosperity and happiness require people to develop and encourage an attitude that can be described in five words: Voluntary cooperation for mutual benefit This is the secret of capitalism, the secret of democracy, and it also the secret to a successful career and family life. Selfish, envious people — those who view life as a zero-sum […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Insert Clever Title Here

— compiled by Wombat-socho Feeling kinda fried this Sunday afternoon after overdoing it last night at the buffet. Usual reader advice applies. Loose Endz kicks off this week’s Rule 5 roundup with Comic Con Cosplay Goodness, followed by Goodstuff who invites us to explore heavenly bodies with Stephanie Arias. Also, Marilyn Monroe! Randy’s Roundtable checks […]

‘Rape Culture’ or ‘Libel Culture’? Lawyers for Rolling Stone Blame the Victim

  Rolling Stone‘s bogus gang rape story, which falsely accused a University of Virginia fraternity of a crime that never happened, led UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo to sue the magazine for $7.5 million. Eramo said the story by Sabrina Rubin Erdely “portrayed [Eramo] as callous and indifferent to allegations of sexual assault on campus […]

FMJRA 2.0: Balls To The Wall

— compiled by Wombat-socho Are We Hiring Someone So Challenged As To Require A “Business Suit Onesie”? First Street Journal FMJRA 2.0: Wait, What? BlurBrain The Pirate’s Cove Jay Laze Gets a Lesson in Rhetoric (Or, How NOT to Debate a Feminist) Regular Right Guy Living In Anglo-America Rule 5 Sunday: The Persistence of the […]

The #GamerGate vs. Gawker War

Gawker’s irresponsibly cruel “outing” of a Conde Nast executive — a laughable farce, and yet also an exercise in horrendous sadism — prompted Vox Day to remind his readers of #GamerGate’s “anti-Gawker action, Operation Disrespectful Nod, which has already cost Gawker more than $1 million in advertising dollars.” This would appear to be the kind […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty God’s purposes could be mysterious, he thought, gazing at the photo of his hand in his mother’s as she passed from the trauma of bringing him into the world. When old enough to understand, he sardonically thought it a reverse abortion. He’d fallen in love rapidly with his darkly beautiful wife, Zorha. Their […]

Web Site Everybody Hates Reminds Everybody Why We Hate Them

Gawker is to journalism what Pol Pot was to Cambodia: Last night, a writer at Gawker outed and gay-shamed someone at the behest of an unnamed (for his safety!) source. It was a story steeped in sex, fame, cash, and blackmail, which made it a perfect target for today’s salacious clickbait culture. Today, Gawker’s managing […]

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