‘Nice Guys,’ Failure, Self-Pity and Cruelty
Bailey Poland (@the_author_) is a fairly typical example of how feminism attracts sadistic women by offering them ideological justification for their impulses toward anti-male cruelty. Because of confirmation bias and epistemic closure, however, once a woman enters the feminist echo chamber, it becomes impossible for her to understand her own impulsive responses as emotion, per […]
‘Feminist Men’ = Progressive Misogynists
Victoria Brownworth (@vabvox) is a lesbian feminist who hates “mansplaining from men asserting they are feminist allies”: One night on social media I objected to the use of the word “c–t” by men as a pejorative against women. I wrote that it was one of the worst things a man could say about a woman, […]
#BetterHillaryAnswers “I Know, Right? You Know Who Wiped Out The Poor Server? GOP 1%-ers, That’s Who. That’s Why I’m Fighting Income Inequality.”
by Smitty [View the story “#BetterHillaryAnswers “Why, no. Years ago, Bill insisted on managing every aspect of our servers, for some reason.”” on Storify] Video at Hot Air.
In The Mailbox: 08.18.15
— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Da Tech Guy: Damn The Terrorism And Sex Slavery, The Narrative Is The Priority On Islam Doug Powers: California’s Green Jobs Initiative Has Gone Full Solyndra Twitchy: New CNN Poll Shows Trump With Commanding Lead, But GOP Voters Don’t Think He Can Win In November RIPPED FROM THE […]
Feminist Tumblr: Mentally Ill Lesbian Hates ‘Totally Useless’ Fathers
Feminists believe everything any man does is wrong, simply because (a) he’s a man, and (b) he did it. No man can ever do anything to deserve praise from feminists, who never say anything about any male except to condemn him for his maleness. Tumblr is full of man-hating feminists like this one: “I’m 23, female, […]
Feminism’s Radical Transvaluation
Amy Austin (@amymarieaustin) is mentally ill and bisexual, and also a feminist, but I repeat myself. Last year Ms. Austin, a British university student, wrote a rant entitled, “Patriarchy and the Problem of Being Born Female”: Social constructions of gender, like power, stem from patriarchal ideologies . . . Environmentally speaking, gender is independent of sex […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Rebel Girls
— compiled by Wombat-socho I don’t know about colleges in your neck of the woods, but the University of Nevada Las Vegas is having its Welcome Day this Friday, so it seems only fitting that this week’s appetizer focuses on the Rebel Girls, the UNLV cheerleading squad. As usual, the links that follow are often […]
FMJRA 2.0: Automotive High School
— compiled by Wombat-socho Feminist Tumblr: Justifying Hatred With Radical Ideology and Also, Witchcraft Living In Anglo-America Dark Brightness Why I Got Suspended The Pirate’s Cove Constantinople Not Istanbul FMJRA 2.0: All My Bloggy Friends Have Settled Down Regular Right Guy The Pirate’s Cove BlurBrain Rule 5 Sunday: Good Witches Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles from […]
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