The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Guardian Columnist Julie Bindel Says Put All Males ‘In Some Kind of Camp’

Posted on | September 6, 2015 | 125 Comments


England’s most influential radical feminist was asked whether she believes “heterosexuality will survive women’s liberation”:

It won’t, not unless men get their act together, have their power taken from them and behave themselves. I mean, I would actually put them all in some kind of camp where they can all drive around in quad bikes, or bicycles, or white vans. I would give them a choice of vehicles to drive around with, give them no porn, they wouldn’t be able to fight – we would have wardens, of course! Women who want to see their sons or male loved ones would be able to go and visit, or take them out like a library book, and then bring them back.
I hope heterosexuality doesn’t survive, actually. I would like to see a truce on heterosexuality. I would like an amnesty on heterosexuality until we have sorted ourselves out. Because under patriarchy it’s sh–.
And I am sick of hearing from individual women that their men are all right. Those men have been shored up by the advantages of patriarchy and they are complacent, they are not stopping other men from being sh–.
I would love to see a women’s liberation that results in women turning away from men and saying: “when you come back as human beings, then we might look again.”

Bindel’s suggestion of rounding up males “in some kind of camp” drew harsh attention from men’s rights activists (MRAs) at, the blog “HEqual” and at Reddit. What was most interesting, however, was the way in which other prominent feminists silently ignored this comment by Bindel, a militant lesbian who is a columnist for the British Guardian newspaper. What conclusion should we draw from the silence of “mainstream” feminists toward those who publicly express their movement’s anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology?

Are we to suppose that Bindel’s fellow Guardian columnist Jessica Valenti actually disagrees with Bindel? Valenti is heterosexual and married to a man. Does she not bristle at the implied insult of Bindel’s assertion that, like other men, Valenti’s husband is complacently benefiting from “the advantages of patriarchy”? Or what about a young feminist like Laurie Penny, whom Bindel insults by name?

On the one hand you have got utter idiots like Laurie Penny who are simply coming out with the stuff that she does because she knows that the groups she is supporting, that are pro-trans, pro-sex work, and pro- other anti-women nonsense, are run by very high profile, powerful libertarian men. We know that she is doing it for a career move.

Considering that Laurie Penny is a fangirl of Bolshevik commissar Alexandra Kollontai, this accusation of being a mercenary puppet of “powerful libertarian men” is certainly shocking, and yet where is Laurie Penny’s rebuttal? Where is any feminist speaking out against Bindel’s forthright advocacy of “political lesbianism”?

Political lesbians are really crucial, because we were the ones that first said that women should be able to determine their own sexuality. We were the ones that said that all women can be lesbians and that heterosexuality is compulsory under a system of male supremacy. We were the ones that said that until women had a free choice, that we had to speak about heterosexuality as imposed upon us, rather [than] freely chosen. . ..
So I think political lesbianism has a crucial role, because it tells women that sexuality is political under a system of male supremacy. . . .
So radical feminism saw heterosexuality under patriarchy as massively problematic, because it benefited men and it disadvantaged women.

To this we might answer simply, “Cui bono“? Who benefits from heterosexuality? Is it true, as Julie Bindel asserts, that heterosexuality is “imposed” on women, to their disadvantage, by males who thereby derive an unjust benefit? She is certainly not alone in asserting this, as anyone who has read my book Sex Trouble understands. Yet decades of silence by “mainstream” feminists about their movement’s fundamental anti-male ideology has served to shield feminist gender theory — the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix — from critical scrutiny. Whenever feminism begins one of its periodic resurgences, as in the early 1990s when a media publicity campaign gave rise to the movement’s so-called “Third Wave,” lesbianism always emerges as crucial to the agenda. The feminist movement at large denies that there is any evidence of causation in this correlation, and internal disputes about sexuality within the movement are generally ignored by the liberal media, which prefers to present feminism as a united and wholly respectable cause, dismissing the movement’s critics as irrational bigots.


Few outside the movement’s intelligentsia realize that the celebration of so-called “Lesbian Chic” circa 1993 was anathema to many radical feminists, who reject the “born that way” claims of the gay-rights movement, preferring instead to see lesbianism as “a challenge to the institution of heterosexuality and a form of resistance to patriarchal relations,” as Professor Diane Richardson argued in her 2000 book, Rethinking Sexuality. Probably any college sophomore who has taken even an introductory Women’s Studies class is familiar with this radical critique — a rejection of heterosexuality, per se — which has been endorsed by some of the most prominent feminist in academia, notably including Professor Charlotte Bunch of Rutgers University.

“Lesbianism is a threat to the ideological, political, personal, and economic basis of male supremacy. . . .
“Our rejection of heterosexual sex challenges male domination in its most individual and common form. . . .
“Lesbianism is the key to liberation and only women who cut their ties to male privilege can be trusted to remain serious in the struggle against male dominance.”

Charlotte Bunch, “Lesbians in Revolt,” 1971

“I think heterosexuality cannot come naturally to many women: I think that widespread heterosexuality among women is a highly artificial product of the patriarchy. . . . I think that most women have to be coerced into heterosexuality.”
Marilyn Frye, “A Lesbian’s Perspective on Women’s Studies,” speech to the National Women’s Studies Association conference, 1980

“But the hatred of women is a source of sexual pleasure for men in its own right. Intercourse appears to be the expression of that contempt in pure form, in the form of a sexed hierarchy; it requires no passion or heart because it is power without invention articulating the arrogance of those who do the fucking. Intercourse is the pure, sterile, formal expression of men’s contempt for women . . .”
Andrea Dworkin, Intercourse, 1987

“Sexuality is to feminism what work is to Marxism: that which is most one’s own, yet most taken away. . . .
“As the organized expropriation of the work of some for the benefit of others defines a class, workers, the organized expropriation of the sexuality of some for the use of others defines the sex, woman. Heterosexuality is its social structure . . . and control its issue.”

Catharine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (1989)

“Male sexual violence against women and ‘normal’ heterosexual intercourse are essential to patriarchy because they establish the dominance of the penis over the vagina, and thus the power relations between the sexes. . . . Men’s sexual violence against women is the primary vehicle through which the dominance of the penis over the vagina is established.”
Dee Graham, Loving to Survive: Sexual Terror, Men’s Violence, and Women’s Lives (1994)

“Patriarchy . . . always depends on the ability of men to control women through heterosexuality. . . . Were large numbers of women to take responsibility for our own sexuality and in so doing reject heterosexuality, the very concepts of woman and man would be shattered.”
Joyce Trebilcot, Dyke Ideas: Process, Politics, Daily Life (1994)

“There are politics in sexual relationships because they occur in the context of a society that assigns power based on gender and other systems of inequality and privilege. . . . [T]he interconnections of systems are reflected in the concept of heteropatriarchy, the dominance associated with a gender binary system that presumes heterosexuality as a social norm. . . .
“As many feminists have pointed out, heterosexuality is organized in such a way that the power men have in society gets carried into relationships and can encourage women’s subservience, sexually and emotionally.”

Susan M. Shaw and Janet Lee, Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions (fifth edition, 2012)

Despite this ideology’s long history, most people are shocked when someone like Julie Bindel is caught saying in public what is actually taught to many thousands of university students every year within the academic Feminist-Industrial Complex. This shocked reaction is the result of a gap between feminism’s exoteric discourse (what feminists say when seeking support from the general public) and feminism’s esoteric doctrine (the beliefs shared among intellectuals and activists who lead and control the movement), as I have previously explained:

Like other movements of the radical Left, feminism preaches one thing to outsiders while teaching something else to insiders, and this deception is both deliberate and necessary. Feminists must conceal the truth about their agenda, because if taxpayers knew the ideology that is being propagated in our universities, this would cause such a political uproar that legislators would zero out the budgets of Women’s Studies programs and eliminate funding for much of the “research” done by academic feminists.”

For this reason, so-called “mainstream” feminists must maintain a discreet silence regarding Julie Bindel’s blunt expression of feminism’s anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology. They must never reveal to the general public how much radical indoctrination and propaganda is being conducted at taxpayer expense. Bindel’s academic affiliations (she is currently visiting researcher at England’s Lincoln University) expose the extent to which radical feminism is subsidized by the “society” that feminists vow to destroy. Students are being taught this fanatical hatred of men in programs funded by male taxpayers with the approval of male officials, all of whom Bindel says should “have their power taken from them” so they can be rounded up “in some kind of camp.”

* * * * *

While radical feminism is subsidized by academia, my own research is funded entirely by readers who remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:



Whatever you can give — $5, $10, $20 — will be deeply appreciated.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Good news:

  1. Our daughter-in-law just gave birth to our second grandson;
  2. “Feminist Motherhood Has Failed.”

Basically, motherhood is not acceptable to feminism, ever.



125 Responses to “Guardian Columnist Julie Bindel Says Put All Males ‘In Some Kind of Camp’”

  1. DeadMessenger
    September 8th, 2015 @ 3:32 pm

    Wow, that’s…thats a bit frightening.

  2. DeadMessenger
    September 8th, 2015 @ 3:34 pm

    I also view them as being in the “Mom! Mom! Look! Mom! Mommy! Mom! Look!” stage. 😀

  3. Nancy Schtoop
    September 8th, 2015 @ 4:12 pm

    so says the “lady” that has a family of raccoons living up her clam chowder oozing box

  4. Grandson Of TheGrumpus
    September 8th, 2015 @ 5:09 pm

    You’ve got a good handle on ’em!

    It’s interesting, b/c when I say that I’m sure that their emotional growth is stunted, I’m speaking my opinion w/literal precision— meaning, of course, that their emotional maturity never grew past the stage of childhood where other people’s existence is vaguely “unreal”.

    I had noticed that children pass through a stage of mental/emotional development where other people aren’t emotionally “real” to them– varies by child, even in the same family, ranging from four to eight years in age.

    The interesting thing is how did Western Civilization produce so many of these damaged people in the space of, at most, four generations? People so fundamentally damaged that it not only persists into adulthood, it actually entrenches itself more solidly with age!

    I know that at this point the answer probably won’t help fix anything, nevertheless, I find the question fascinating.

  5. DeadMessenger
    September 8th, 2015 @ 10:15 pm

    My opinion as to how? An abundance of wealth and leisure.

    IMO, having working moms in order to accumulate wealth ruined the family structure, and undermined the foundation of Western countries. Of course, that was egged on by feminism, but the feminist movement is just one of the many tentacles of Marxism, which, of course, cannot develop nor survive where there are strong family units, and especially strong, decisive, conservative fathers with supportive mothers who model respect for the father for the children to see.

    Plus, you spend your day on hard work, you have little time for TV, movies, social media, texting and other propaganda. Marxism is satanic, plain and simple, and one tenet is producing imbeciles without the will or emotional strength to fight it. Marxism IS the NWO, and it is going to take over the world without a single war or battle.

    As an interesting aside, in my house, we say grace over all our meals. When we have dinner out, we do it, too. We bow our heads and my husband prays quietly. When I look up, 9 times out of 10, at least one other family will then do it also. So there are some who are not entirely soulless, but the majority are, as you’ve noticed.

  6. Ruppert Baird
    September 9th, 2015 @ 3:29 am

    This is interesting. What I have to take away from it is:
    A) There goes the fallacy that homosexuality is NOT a choice; and
    B) Modern Feminism is the New Nazism.

  7. All Males Should Be Round Up Into Some Sort Of Camp ... - Talk About Marriage
    September 9th, 2015 @ 11:47 am

    […] […]

  8. unknown
    September 9th, 2015 @ 4:18 pm

    So if heterosexuality is done away with, how does Julie propose continuing the human species? Will men that are deemed “worthy” be used as sperm banks?

  9. Art Deco
    September 9th, 2015 @ 5:21 pm

    The woman is an utter crackpot. Nothing you can do about that but one thing: stop providing her with an income. Much of the left would wither and die were it not for pipelines of government money laundered through higher education. (And pipelines of foundation money effectively embezzled from estates). Higher education never suffers for running this patronage mill. This woman was drawing a salary for a dozen years from Leeds Metropolitan University. Higher education is terribly bloated. The British government can correct this problem by shutting down Leeds Metropolitan University.

    The British government can also correct another problem: make a provision in Estate law that requires the endowment of foundations be partitioned among designated heirs after 60 years or among a collection of the deceased’s descendants and collateral relations if no designations are made. Make it retrospective. Make it retrospective in America, and shut down the Ford Foundation.

    Aside from the higher ed / social services / miscellaneous non-profit / crony philanthropy patronage mill, there’s another source of income: the newspapers. This woman has regular gigs at The Guardian‘s op-ed page. That should tell you about what that section of the British press is really worth.

  10. MichaelZWilliamson
    September 9th, 2015 @ 8:10 pm

    She belongs in fat camp.

  11. DoktorWho
    September 9th, 2015 @ 10:00 pm

    Moron – I’ve got a camp for her in her friendly neighborhood mental institution.

  12. Wombat_socho
    September 9th, 2015 @ 10:59 pm

    I submit that the Grauniad was Tumblr before there was an actual Tumblr.

  13. Wombat_socho
    September 9th, 2015 @ 10:59 pm

    There you go using that oppressive patriarchal logic again!

  14. Wombat_socho
    September 9th, 2015 @ 11:00 pm

    And whose fault is that? (spoiler: THE PATRIARCHY!) 😉

  15. piccolit
    September 10th, 2015 @ 1:23 am

    boycott the Guardian, make it shut down

  16. Dana
    September 10th, 2015 @ 6:38 am

    Should I be denounced for that?

  17. John Lukas
    September 10th, 2015 @ 1:00 pm

    This fat pig is madd because she couldn’t get laid even if she offered it up for free. Thank GOD she can’t procreate!

  18. Clark
    September 10th, 2015 @ 5:01 pm

    It’s so feminist and empowering to put men in camps, dontcha know? Taylor Swift will be the spokeswoman wearing some stupid army garb doing a Rosie the whatever the shit while men are drawn as stupid big handed skinny white dweebs who are both crying giant cartoon tears while covering their oh so important penises from harm. Tell me that doesn’t sound like exactly what you would see from feminism in five years time if were to just go on it’s jolly way without any challenge.

  19. Feminism as Sadistic Revenge Fantasy : The Other McCain
    September 11th, 2015 @ 2:36 am

    […] careful to pretend to care about democracy and freedom, occasionally the mask slips and we find Julie Bindel arguing that men should “have their power taken from them” so that feminist… Anyone tempted to dismiss such hateful rhetoric as an expression of “fringe” beliefs […]

  20. The Man From Dystopia
    September 12th, 2015 @ 7:45 pm

    Reminds me of a quote from the film “As Good As It Gets” where Jack Nicholson is a writer with OCD.

    Female receptionist:
    How do you write women so well?

    I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

  21. FMJRA 2.0: Wetter : The Other McCain
    September 12th, 2015 @ 10:17 pm

    […] Guardian Columnist Julie Bindel Says Put All Males ‘In Some Kind of Camp’ Instapundit Daily Pundit Political Hat Talk About Marriage A View from the Beach Batshit Crazy News […]

  22. Objectified by the Male Gaze : The Other McCain
    September 12th, 2015 @ 10:18 pm

    […] a feminist of heterosexuality. A woman who calls herself a feminist is more likely to agree with Julie Bindel that all men should be put in “some kind of camp.” Certainly, no one should be surprised that Charlotte Proudman celebrated International […]

  23. Objectified by the Male Gaze UPDATE: Allegedly Heterosexual? | Living in Anglo-America
    September 13th, 2015 @ 7:59 am

    […] a feminist of heterosexuality. A woman who calls herself a feminist is more likely to agree with Julie Bindel that all men should be put in “some kind of camp.” Certainly, no one should be surprised that Charlotte Proudman celebrated International Women’s […]

  24. Remind Me How Feminism isn’t About Man Hating | Losing America
    September 13th, 2015 @ 9:43 am

    […] Source:… […]

  25. Why gay men don’t need feminism – Part 3: Gay bashing
    September 20th, 2015 @ 8:58 am

    […] [20]… […]