The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Value of Motherhood

  Charles Murray (@charlesmurray on Twitter) co-authored with the late Richard Herrnstein one of the most controversial books of the 20th century, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (1994). When it was first published, the harsh criticism from liberals — who claimed the book was practically neo-Nazi propaganda — led me to […]

FMJRA 2.0: Walking In The Shadow of The Big Man

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Pre-Christmas Shopping Frenzy Edition Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles from Tyranny A View from the Beach Proof Positive Batshit Crazy News You’re Too ‘Empowered,’ Darling The Pirate’s Cove First Street Journal FMJRA 2.0: Achtung Baby The Pirate’s Cove A View from the Beach Batshit Crazy News What Went Through […]

Doxed Lives Matter

Alonda Cano (@People4Alondra) says her critics are racist. The tactic of “doxing” — publishing someone’s home address and other personal information on the Internet in order to expose them to harassment — was made notorious by hackers associated with the “Anonymous” conspiracy. Vox Day explains how “social justice warriors” (SJWs) use these scorched-earth tactics: The […]

‘Intense and Overwhelming Narcissism’

Feminists coined the term “Peak Trans Moment” to describe the point at which they became disgusted with transgender ideology. One woman who related her experiences complained that transgender activists “expect to co-opt feminist time and attention away from their own issues to trans issues, and they expect it as their right.” Why aren’t transgender activists […]

Donkey Cartel, R.I.P.

Another promising young performance artist has been slain by social injustice and pistol fire, but mainly it was pistol fire: Daquan Westbrook, a rapper with an extensive arrest record, has been identified as the man killed in an officer-involved shooting at Northlake Mall in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Christmas Eve. Mr. Westbrook, 18, was a […]

The ‘Brilliant’ Fool McGeorge Bundy

  Just yesterday, in describing the decadence of the Ivy League elite, I casually mentioned McGeorge Bundy, a Yale-educated policy “expert” in the JFK/LBJ administrations who played a prominent role in creating the Vietnam War debacle: A descendant of the Boston Lowells on his mother’s side, a product of Groton, Yale and Skull and Bones, […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 12.24.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho Our new theme song TOP NEWS IRAQI ASSAULT ON RAMADI STALLED BY DAESH DEFENSES General Sheghati says troops working to defuse mines, IEDs; Defense Ministry adviser says clearing may take 2-3 days Iraqi forces evacuate civilians in Ramadi Several Arrested In #Blacklivesmatter Protest At Minneapolis Airport More dirtbags arrested in LA […]

The Elite Who Are Destroying America

The habits of America’s “meritocratic” elite are the subject of an American Interest blog post that includes the phrase “educational assortative mating” — i.e., Ivy Leaguers marrying Ivy Leaguers, generation after generation, so that the influential elite form a separate caste, with no familial ties to the rest of the nation, and no direct knowledge […]

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