The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Our Political Opponents’: Notorious Traitor Declares ‘Progressive’ Loyalty

Posted on | January 26, 2017 | Comments Off on ‘Our Political Opponents’: Notorious Traitor Declares ‘Progressive’ Loyalty


The headline on today’s Guardian column:

Chelsea Manning: Compromise does not work
with our political opponents. When will we learn?

In case you forgot, Bradley “Chelsea” Manning is the mentally ill coward and traitor who deserved to be shot by a firing squad, but was instead sentenced to serve 35 years in Fort Leavenworth, a sentence that was commuted last week by The Worst President in History.


There are no words strong enough to convey the contempt that every patriotic American must feel toward Bradley “Chelsea” Manning. If one of his/“her” fellow inmates at Leavenworth had murdered Manning in cold blood, I would advocate a presidential pardon for that inmate. And so, I think, we may draw our own conclusions about Manning’s use of first-person plural pronouns in this column:

Barack Obama left behind hints of a progressive legacy. Unfortunately, despite his faith in our system and his positive track record on many issues over the last eight years, there have been very few permanent accomplishments.
This vulnerable legacy should remind us that what we really need is a strong and unapologetic progressive to lead us. What we need as well is a relentless grassroots movement to hold that leadership accountable. . . .
The one simple lesson to draw from President Obama’s legacy: do not start off with a compromise. They won’t meet you in the middle. Instead, what we need is an unapologetic progressive leader.
We need someone who is unafraid to be criticized, since you will inevitably be criticized. We need someone willing to face all of the vitriol, hatred and dogged determination of those opposed to us. Our opponents will not support us nor will they stop thwarting the march toward a just system that gives people a fighting chance to live. Our lives are at risk — especially for immigrants, Muslim people and black people.
We need to stop asking them to give us our rights. We need to stop hoping that our systems will right themselves. We need to actually take the reins of government and fix our institutions. We need to save lives by making change at every level.

Who is this “we”/“us”/“our” for whom Manning speaks? Democrats.

Just keep it up, Democrats. The American people are watching you.



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