The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

College Girls: Prostitutes and Democrats

Acacia Friedman (left) and Samara Charlotin (right) were busted for prostitution. Hey, buddy, how’d you like to get it on with a couple of college girls? Well, the going rate is $5,000, according to police in Coral Gables, Florida, where University of Miami student Acacia Friedman, 23, and Florida International University student Samara Charlotin, 19, […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty “Synechdoche.” “YES!!!?!” her rant not even slightly paused by the rhetorical term. “I TELL YOU MY CHILDHOOD DREAM OF OWNING A THRESHOLD OPENING ONTO A BREATHTAKING VIEW, AND YOU BLOW MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON THIS?” “It seemed like a pretty good gag at the time.” “YOU STUPID FOOL! I should force you to […]

In The Mailbox: 03.31.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Fridays Are For Firing – Fire Koskinen Now Twitchy: Set Phasers For BURN – Dana Loesch TORCHES George Takei For Pence-Mocking Tweet Louder With Crowder: VICTORY! Senate Allows States To Defund Planned Parenthood According To Hoyt: When Reality Kicks Back Monster Hunter Nation: FOR GREAT SCIENCE! Vox […]

Australian School Abolishes ‘Heteronormative’ Dress Code

International Grammar School principal Shauna Colnan. Heterosexuality is not yet illegal in Australia, but the feminist regime in elite education certainly does not approve of it: The International Grammar School in Sydney, Australia has announced it will begin implementing gender-neutral uniform codes. “It’s almost like for those students who do identify as far more gender […]

Lesbian Fitness Guru Faces Felony Charges After Driving Incident

  Ten years ago, Jackie Warner was an L.A. celebrity, the star of Workout, a reality show on the Bravo cable TV network. For three seasons, the show featured Warner and her clients at her Sky Sport and Spa in Beverly Hills. A self-made millionaire, Warner is the author of the books This Is Why […]

In The Mailbox: 03.30.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: Lies, Damned Lies, and Juan Williams EBL: Kemberlee Kaye At Legal Insurrection Asks Does Chuck Schumer Have An Anger Management Problem? Twitchy: Dana Loesch Levels Geraldo In Just Two Tweets After He Accuses Freedom Caucus Of Treason Louder With Crowder: Nikki Haley Lowers The Boom – […]

California Prosecutes Pro-Lifers

John Ziegler at Mediaite: Conservatives are outraged today that two “pro-life” activists have now been charged in California with 15 felonies in connection with their sting operation on Planned Parenthood. There is good reason to be incensed at the arbitrary/dubious enforcement of the law and the overtly politically-motivated over-charging of two people who seem to […]

‘Diversity’ Requirement for College Faculty Enables Political Discrimination

It should be obvious to anyone who has paid attention to academia that conservatives are not welcome on our nation’s university campuses, either as students or as faculty. America’s higher education system is controlled by partisan Democrats, and Republicans are not eligible for employment. Nearly 100% of campaign contributions from liberal arts faculty go to […]

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