The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.31.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Did Team Mueller Tip Off The Podestas? Twitchy: Planned Parenthood’s Mask Slips, Revealing Racist Monsters Underneath Louder With Crowder: Watch Sarah Huckabee Sanders Perfectly Explain Taxes With Clever Bar Analogy RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES Adam Piggott: There Are No Short Cuts American Power: Six Seconds To Live, […]

UPDATE: ‘This Was an Act of Terror,’ NYC Mayor Says; 8 People Killed in Attack

    Details are still sketchy, and early reports of such incidents are often wrong, but it is now being reported that a man used a rental truck to run over pedestrians and bicyclists in New York City. The driver was reportedly shot and wounded by NYPD and taken into custody. Six people are reported […]

Democrats: Proud to Be the Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Heterosexual Party

  “Diversity” is Democrat Party code for deliberate discrimination: Employees within the Democratic National Committee are looking for new employees in the Technology Department. However, the DNC is apparently not interested in your resume if you happen to be a white male. In an email issued to DNC insiders on Monday, Data Services manager Madeleine […]

In The Mailbox: 10.30.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Due To Terrible Ratings, NBC Is Going To Rename Megyn Kelly Today Twitchy: Pro-Life Tweeters Take Over @PPact’s #ScaryStats And It’s GLORIOUS Louder With Crowder: #252 – DNC Trump/Russia Dossier Backfires Bigly!, also, Did Family Guy Warn us About Kevin Spacey In 2005? RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES […]

No Mercy for @KevinSpacey? Welcome to the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

  … and the Academy Award for Worst Coming-Out Statement by a Gay Actor goes to … — The Patriarch Tree (@PatriarchTree) October 30, 2017 First, the news: In an interview with BuzzFeed News, [Star Trek Discovery actor Anthony] Rapp is publicly alleging for the first time that in 1986, [Kevin] Spacey befriended Rapp while […]

Manafort and Associate Indicted in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

  First, the news: Donald Trump’s former presidential campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has been charged with conspiring to defraud the US in his dealings with Ukraine. The 12 charges brought against Mr Manafort and one of his business associates, Rick Gates, include conspiracy to launder money. Mr Manafort and his lawyer have arrived at an […]

#NeverTrump: Double-Secret Head Fake?

by Smitty Taking in the NRO’s latest ritual Trump denunciation: Trump’s substitution of sneering for analysis, his shallow anti-“elitism,” his attacks on free trade and on freedom of the press, his adolescent social-media habit: Republicans have not rallied behind him in spite of these things, but because of them. . . .one is inclined to […]

Rule 5 Sunday: No, Not That Asia

— compiled by Wombat-socho I readily admit that when it comes to actresses named Asia, my first thought is of the piano-playing MENSA member and former porn star Asia Carrera. That’s not the one we’re looking at; rather, actress and director Asia Argento wound up in the news this week when hostile reactions to her […]

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