The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bad Sex Advice

Posted on | March 10, 2019 | Comments Off on Bad Sex Advice


Carina Hsieh is a “Sex & Relationships Editor” at Cosmopolitan who has a rather interesting confession. She’s bad at sex:

“I don’t even know where to begin, but I really have zero confidence about anything I do when it comes to sex.
“You name it, it’s an insecurity point for me. Kissing: I hate tongues. Foreplay: don’t look at me. Blowjobs: I think my mouth is too dry. Actual sex: hate my body too much to get on top. Orgasming: doesn’t happen. . . .
“Every time I don’t orgasm, not only do I feel like I have to soothe my partner’s ego, I also feel like I need to quash my own expectations because, duh, I’m the one who didn’t come. . . .
“I feel like a huge failure because feigning a loud moan a few times is easier than explaining that all the antidepressants I’m on make it impossible for me to climax. . . . I can sometimes orgasm through oral sex, but it is so rare that when it happens, I find myself questioning if it ever really happened in the first place. Suffice to say, all the sex I’ve ever had is performative and reverse-engineered to fulfill some horny fantasy of mine that I’m not even sure I’m turned on by.”

Shouldn’t someone who is getting paid to publish “Sex & Relationship” advice in a leading women’s magazine at least, y’know, be good at it?

Also, did you note Ms. Hsieh’s reference to “antidepressants”? On her Twitter account, she mentions that she has been hospitalized for her psychiatric problems and, also, she is infected with herpes:





Want to become mentally unbalanced, sexually dysfunctional and infected with an incurable virus? Cosmo has got some advice for you!

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!



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