The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Telling the truth about social-media and prostitution: Have you ever seen a group of girls [on Instagram] sporting skimpy bikinis on a gorgeous yacht? Or that “model” who continually posts thong and hand-bra pics and is ALWAYS traveling to the most exotic (and expensive) places? I always used to wonder, “how does she have so […]

Learning the Lessons of History

  What are we actually arguing about? Willoughby Run is a stream too small to be called a creek. Trickling southward through the hills of Adams County, Pennsylvania, it runs between two low ridges and crosses U.S. Highway 30 east of what is now a golf course, but which on the morning of July 1, […]

Rule 5 Monday: #GetWokeGoBroke Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Well, here we are in 2019, and not content with shoehorning fatties and trannies into previous swimsuit issues, the supergenius woke folk at Sports Illustrated have decided to inflict a Muslima in a “burkini” and full hijab on us. Ms. Aden might be cute, but who can really tell under all […]

In The Mailbox: 04.29.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: John Singleton, RIP, also, Liberation Of Dachau – April 29, 1945 Twitchy: Looks Like Jacob Wohl Is “Helping” Again By Soliciting Fake Assault Claims Against Pete Buttigieg Louder With Crowder: Brie Larson Wonders Why We Haven’t Had An LGBTQ Superhero, also, Dan Crenshaw Challenges Bernie Sanders To […]

Fat Queer Feminist: Diets Are Hitler and Also Rape Culture or Something

  Say hello to Sonalee Rashatwar (@thefatsextherapist), who is against white supremacy, fatphobia, and “penis in vagina intercourse.” Probably I could think of some crude jokes to insert here, but that would be too easy, and also cruel. But let’s ask, what are Ms. Rashatwar’s credentials as a “fat sex therapist”? Well, she is a […]

Teenage Jew-Hater Kills 1, Wounds 3 in California Synagogue Shooting

  A 19-year-old college student is in custody in San Diego after a Sabbath-morning shooting rampage at a synagogue in suburban Poway, California. Police say John T. Earnest killed one person and wounded three others at the Chabad Community Center, after posting a 4,000-word manifesto online in which he blamed “international Jewry” for “sealing the […]

FMJRA 2.0: Man, I’m Tired Of Paying Them Dues

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Aisha Tyler Ninety Miles From Tyranny Animal Magnetism A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL Man Arrested at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Is Chubby Incel Philosophy Professor EBL FMJRA 2.0: Weak Link, Strong Link A View From The Beach EBL Violence Against Women Update: Brooklyn Woman ‘Nearly Decapitated’ […]

Public Beheadings in Saudi Arabia

From the headline stack at Drudge: Saudi Arabia teen beheaded just for sending WhatsApp messages about protests… Kingdom puts crucified body on public display…  Executions for sorcerers, homosexuals, mentally ill… Just remember this next time someone tells you Trump is a fascist. On the other hand, imagine how much safer Baltimore or Chicago would be […]

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