The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Her Superhero Name Was ‘Whorella’

Posted on | August 1, 2019 | 3 Comments

“The fact is the ‘respectable girl from a nice family in Connecticut’ ship has already sailed.”
Ella Dawson, July 2014

Longtime readers will remember Ella Dawson, the 2014 alumna of elite Wesleyan University ($70,704 a year, including room and board) who made her name a synonym for herpes and got a personal fan letter from Hillary Clinton. After writing about Rasheem Bodiford, who was sentenced to prison for failing to inform his partners of his HIV infection, I got wondering what the notoriously diseased feminist has been up to lately, and it turns out she’s writing a book:

Let’s quote her inspirational prose:

“I received the message loud and clear that girls who were sexual, girls who wanted sex, girls who were aggressive and talkative and confident, were those girls. . . .
“I did the bitter calculus of being a teenage girl and decided to embrace my destined and disdained sluttiness. I even made up a superhero identity for myself: Whorella.”

It was not just random coincidence, you see, that she was diagnosed with genital herpes during her junior year at Wesleyan. The law of large numbers and her own ignorance (condoms don’t prevent herpes or HPV) made it more or less inevitable that “Whorella” would catch something.

Nowadays, she’s offering relationship advice:

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but you deserve better. You deserve a partner who texts you back.
Maybe not immediately, maybe not every single time, but reliably and honestly and with care. You deserve someone who wants you to feel secure and heard, who answers your questions and asks you about your day and your mood and sends you memes they saw on Instagram. You deserve someone who wants to talk to you, no — someone who wants to talk with you, never just at you, no monologues or one-sided status updates, no director’s commentary on your life. You deserve conversation, flirtation, consideration. You deserve all of the f–ks, my friend.
I promise you, you’re not being too demanding.

You can read the rest of that, but notice her use of the word “deserve.”

If I were to write an essay advising young men of what they deserve from women, I’d be accused of promoting “male entitlement.” But I’d never dream of writing such an essay, because that would be bad advice. The key to happiness is low expectations. You are less likely to be disappointed with women if you don’t expect too much of them. The problem many guys have is that they have a more or less rational expectation of reciprocity: “I do this for her, she will do that for me.” But there is no standardized exchange rate, and women’s innate solipsism tends to blind them to any sense of obligation to return value for value.

While my dating years took place before the advent of the cell phone and texting, the shrewdest voices in the manosphere advise guys to strive for a 3-to-1 ratio — for every three texts she sends, give her one in return. But my own advice, to my young sons, is not to let girls waste your time with a lot of silly texting, as if you’ve got nothing better to do than engage in constant relationship management. Convey the idea that you’re a busy man with important things to do, and can’t be bothered dealing with all this emotional stuff. She needs to grow up and learn to deal with her own problems, rather than being a source of endless drama.

As to what any guy might “deserve,” well, you’re never going to be treated well if you allow her to treat you badly. Learn to walk away. A big mistake guys make in dating is what Rollo Tomassi calls “oneitis,” concentrating all their energy on their current love interest, when it would be wiser to cultivate a sort of harem of potential girlfriends (what Rollo calls the “plates” approach). Even if you’re really crazy in love with your girlfriend, it’s dangerous not to have a backup plan in case things don’t work out. Having other options is what gives you the freedom to walk away if your girlfriend starts demanding too much or otherwise treating you badly.

“You deserve a partner who texts you back”

Whatever. Good luck with that, Whorella.



3 Responses to “Her Superhero Name Was ‘Whorella’”

  1. Ella Dawson, Math and God’s Laws/Rules/Suggestions | Da Techguy's (old/backup) Blog
    August 2nd, 2019 @ 11:33 am

    […] When I was a kid in the days before comic books became “woke” DC used to put out a book called Weird War Tales which consisted of short horror/sci-fi stories in a war/battle setting. There was one story that jumped to mind after reading Stacy McCain’s latest post on Ella Dawson. […]

  2. The end of the beginning or the beginning of the end? – Dark Brightness
    August 2nd, 2019 @ 5:24 pm

    […] sexual revolution did no one any favours. Even those who got a fair amount of action are, in their later years, regretful, or are being sued. […]

  3. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    August 3rd, 2019 @ 10:27 am

    […] The Other McCain – Her Superhero Name Was ‘Whorella’ […]