The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Dangerous Myth of ‘Gender Equality’

Posted on | September 3, 2019 | Comments Off on The Dangerous Myth of ‘Gender Equality’


Rational Male author Rollo Tomassi called my attention to a recently published study by Florida State University psychology professor James McNulty and his colleagues, summarized thus:

Sex is critical to marriage. Yet, there are several reasons to expect spouses to experience declines in the desire for sex over time, and the rates of any declines in sexual desire may differ for men and women.. . . Results demonstrated that women’s sexual desire declined more steeply over time than did men’s sexual desire, which did not decline on average. Further, childbirth accentuated this sex difference by partially, though not completely, accounting for declines in women’s sexual desire but not men’s. Finally, declines in women’s but not men’s sexual desire predicted declines in both partners’ marital satisfaction.

These results are surprising only to people who permit political ideology to blind them to what any adult with common sense already knows.

Men and women are different.

The differences between men and women are socially significant.

Pretending that men and women are the same, for the sake of an ideology that treats male-female differences as a product of patriarchal oppression, is a surefire formula for social catastrophe, and while some women may benefit in some ways from a regime of legally enforced “gender equality,” most women will suffer as a result of the instability and conflict that such a regime will predictably produce.

Having spent five years studying radical feminism, I can tell you that there are some feminists (see Sheila Jeffreys, Anticlimax, 1990) who never bought into so-called “pro-sex” feminism. They understood that what was being sold to women as “sexual liberation” from the 1960s onward — a celebration of shameless promiscuity as “empowering” — was contrary to women’s best interests. Indeed, it is unnatural to expect women to enjoy meaningless hook-ups, and such behavior tends to undermine women’s psychological health, to say nothing of the risks of venereal disease and other gynecological problems. Furthermore, a culture that promotes sexual promiscuity will expose women to greater risk of male violence. If nothing else, The Law of Large Numbers suggests that the more men a woman has sex with, the greater her risk of encountering at least one violence-prone partner. The harms of “sexual liberation” are so numerous that they cannot be summarized in a single blog post, but my point is that the harmful effects on women of this kind of “equality” are obvious enough that radical feminists cannot deny the common-sense observation: Men and women are different, and nowhere is this difference more clear than in the matter of sexual behavior.

What the Florida State study found — not surprisingly — was that men and women began marriage with different levels of sexual desire. Men want more sex than women do, quite generally. Everyone with two eyes and a brain can observe this as a matter of fact, and adjust their expectations accordingly, but the ideology of “gender equality” tells us we’re not supposed to notice this difference, let alone talk about it.

What happens when we silence discussion of important facts? How are relationships damaged by unrealistic expectations? Why do so many feminists become enraged by any attempt to explain meaningful differences between men and women? Who is afraid facts?



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