The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Three Headlines

Posted on | October 4, 2019 | 1 Comment

All from Red State:

If New Paul Sperry Report About Whistleblower
Is True, It’s A Game Changer

News Breaks That The Whistle-Blower Worked
For A Current 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate

Amazing Coincidence That Nancy Pelosi’s Son
Also Has Business Connections With Ukraine

Each of these headlines is significant in making an important point: Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump for allegedly doing the same stuff Democrats always do. Conflicts of interest and using federal power for partisan political purposes? Suddenly Democrats say that’s wrong? As if Obama didn’t do it for eight years?

The report by Paul Sperry that the whistleblower was meeting with Ukrainian operatives to get dirt on Trump in 2016 seems almost too good to be true, so everybody’s waiting to see if it’s confirmed but OH BOY! If this proves to be true, it’s going to be HUGE! Because I’ve got a hunch that, if that’s how it works out, we will eventually find Alexandra Chalupa‘s fingerprints somewhere on this. And then the report that this whistleblower, said to be a CIA analyst, once worked for a current Democrat presidential candidate? Well, what does that tell us about staffing decisions in the our intelligence community, if they’re hiring Democrat operatives as “analysts”? And yes, of course Nancy Pelosi’s son is knee-deep in Ukraine — it’s very lucrative to be the offspring of a powerful Democrat. But if President Trump tries to clear up this corruption? Impeach him!




One Response to “Three Headlines”

  1. Three Headlines « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    October 5th, 2019 @ 7:53 am

    […] Three Headlines […]

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