The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pagan Idols Thrown in the Tiber River

Posted on | October 22, 2019 | 1 Comment

Catholics have finally become fed up with this kind of syncretism:

The Amazon Synod has been full of scandal. It started when the opening ceremony in the Vatican garden was full of earth worship and what appeared to be idol worship happening right in front of the pope with his blessing. One doesn’t have to be an art major to recognize ancient fertility goddesses.
The ensuing outrage that occurred among traditional Catholics went unanswered by Rome. In the face of this silence, unidentified Catholics took matters into their own hands and walked into the church next to St. Peter’s where the images were displayed and removed them and threw them into the Tiber.
This is exactly what the prelates who refused to explain themselves to the faithful deserved. The responses given to questions about the idols were completely incoherent. . . .
Pachamama, or Mother Earth is a pagan idol. Period. There is no argument otherwise. It is the same fertility goddess to which ancient cultures sacrificed children. . . .
The Catholic Church has been thrown into a state of total confusion since Pope Francis ascended to the seat of St. Peter. His silence and the silence of Church leaders and crucial issues of the faith have created chaos and division between the left-wing and traditional Catholics. George Neumayer wrote a terrific opinion piece in The Spectator that is a must-read relating to these issues.

Because I’m not Catholic, I don’t pay much attention to such things, but Pope Francis is obviously so left-leaning as to be promoting the crypto-Marxist heresy of “Liberation Theology.” That the Vatican is now also promoting pagan fertility goddesses is scarcely surprising.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)



One Response to “Pagan Idols Thrown in the Tiber River”

  1. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    October 26th, 2019 @ 10:09 am

    […] Other McCain – Pagan Idols Thrown in the Tiber River It seems Catholics have finally had enough of their “enlightened” […]
