The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Be Hitler

Posted on | December 26, 2019 | 2 Comments

Given the propensity of liberals to see Nazis and fascists everywhere, it’s easy to laugh at this paranoid tendency. On the other hand, there are actual Nazis, and they’re not funny at all. OK, maybe they’re a little funny because what could be more absurd than the Fourth Reich fantasies of a bunch of incel dimwits who think Jew-hating is cool?

As absurd as their beliefs are, however, these losers can actually be dangerous, as in the case of Jarrett William Smith. In September, Smith was arrested by the feds after an undercover FBI agent infiltrated an online chat of neo-Nazis and got Smith, a U.S. Army sergeant stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, to chat about his plans to assassinate Beto O’Rourke and bomb CNN’s Atlanta headquarters, among other things. The indictment of Smith also referenced “a communication describing a plan to attack a specific home” in Michigan, a message that “contained a threat to injure D.H. (whose identity is known to the Grand Jury) specifically by threatening to set fire to the home belonging to D.H.”

“D.H.” is Daniel Harper, a guy who does a podcast exposing white supremacists and who thus became a target of neo-Nazi wrath. But the scary thing is, the Nazis doxxed the wrong Daniel Harper:

Dawn Shea and her family moved to Dexter in mid-August seeking a friendly, safe neighborhood.
She joked that it’s a town more known for its cider mill and doughnuts than anything else.
Within a month, unexpected visitors pierced through the family’s sense of security. An FBI agent and police officer knocked on the front door of their new home.
Two months from the birth of their second child, Dawn and her husband Rich Shea learned from the officers that their home address was being shared on a white supremacist message board. . . .
Later, a letter addressed to Daniel Harper, the former homeowner, was delivered to the home. After forwarding it, the family learned from Harper and his wife Ingrid that the letter contained intimidating statements from “neo-nazis.”
The threats escalated on Wednesday, Dec. 11. The Sheas returned home from the hospital after their second child was born, only to find two figures dressed in black taking flash photos of their home, Dawn Shea said.
“At that point, we knew exactly who and what it was,” Dawn Shea said.
The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that a white supremacist group posted “non-threatening photographs and statements” on their website to intimidate a podcaster named Daniel E. Harper.
Daniel E. Harper the podcaster has never lived at the same home where the Shea’s now reside, the sheriff’s office said. He is not related to the Daniel Harper who used to live there, police said.

Do you see what I mean? If you’re the “master race” intent on world domination, but you can’t even get the address of your enemies right, maybe you should reconsider your worldview. Just sayin’ . . .



2 Responses to “New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Be Hitler”

  1. If All You See… » Pirate's Cove
    December 27th, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

    […] blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on a New Year’s resolution to Not Be […]

  2. The Other McCain Has a New Year’s Resolution | 357 Magnum
    December 29th, 2019 @ 1:56 pm

    […] Though the insanity of the White Supremacists is amusing. Or it would be if they weren’t so creepy. New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Be Hitler. […]

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