The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ace of Spades Murder Spree Continues

Posted on | April 15, 2020 | Comments Off on Ace of Spades Murder Spree Continues


It’s a hate crime, really. He hates him some #NeverTrump cucks:

We could split the anti-Hillary vote in 2016, because the election wasn’t binary.
But now we can’t split the anti-Trump vote in 2020, because the election is binary.
I think in 2016, Kristol, Sykes, French, Goldberg, Hayes, and the rest of the Losers Club thought they would one day be able to grift from conservatives again.
So pretending to not be dedicated to electing Democrats was an important fiction for them.

You’ll just have to read the whole thing to understand why he’s calling them out today. He calls them out every day, but their latest transparent grift is a new nadir of dishonest hypocrisy. Oh, they have “principles,” if you count getting paid as a “principle.”

Ewoks are dangerous, if you piss them off bad enough.



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